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Seriously my mind is going in fifty directions. [06 Apr 2012|12:05am]
Under the cut are some ideas that I've wanted to write out, so please check them out and comment and/or PM if interested :)

Ideas! )
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[06 Apr 2012|09:01am]
does anyone play andrej pejic or any other fashion models?
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Teen Wolf [06 Apr 2012|03:13pm]
Looking for a Derek Hale to play against my Stiles. Threading only. Long term, short term, dark, fluff, smut, is all fine by me. Hoping to do a bit of brainstorming.
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[06 Apr 2012|04:37pm]
would anyone be interested in a psl with a sierra boggess?
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Original-Setting PSL requested [06 Apr 2012|04:56pm]
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[06 Apr 2012|05:29pm]
Looking for lines, check the journal. Also, it's a long shot but I'd love a line based on the curse workers trilogy if anyone has read those.
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[06 Apr 2012|05:36pm]
Anyone down for a historical setting PSL? I tend to like forbidden/unusual/unexpected relationships, and my favorite settings are WWII Europe (!!) and post-war USA, Europe (including the UK), or Japan. However, I can be persuaded! I'm slash, femslash, and het friendly, and willing to play either role.

PM me or comment here or on my journal to discuss!
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X-Men PSL Requested [06 Apr 2012|06:29pm]
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Shameless US?? [06 Apr 2012|09:44pm]
Can I get a Lip Gallagher for Ian please? I have this idea about Lip getting curious about Ian's 'gay' lifestyle, and decides he wants to see what all the fuss is about. Would also be interested in a Mickey, Steve, or even Kevin. Threading only. =]
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[06 Apr 2012|11:21pm]
This is such a far-out shot that I honestly doubt I'll get many responses for it but could I get a Fitzwilliam Darcy for an out-of-time Amanda Price in a private threading line? After watching "Lost In Austen" for the dozen or so times already on youtube, this muse just won't leave me. If you're at all familiar with the mini-series or not, that works perfectly because I'd love to try a different angle with Amanda and filling out the story to it's utmost crazy and 18th century political-stuffed potential. So, how about it? Anyone around fancy a go?
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