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A Gackt/Hyde psl? [31 Jan 2012|12:40am]

[A handwritten letter delivered to Gackt's home in the dead of night]

It's been four months since I've seen you... I realized this today when I finally had a moment to turn on the television. You were giving an interview, talking about your home and they asked you who had been to visit. You said my name, and it occurred to me then that, that visit had been the last time we'd seen one another...

I walked out on you that day and I shouldn't have, but I didn't see any other way. You had reached out to touch my hair, something so simple and yet the look in your eyes weighed it with a heavy amount of emotion and it was bearing down on me in a way that I had to escape from. I couldn't possibly allow it to happen again, and I knew that if I didn't get up and leave you then, that I would be powerless to stop it.

I am married, I have a son. A life outside of my career. A very private life that is safe, one that I need to protect. I need to protect it not only from the media and the public eye, but from you as well. You could single handedly destroy everything that I have worked for, and do so with only that look in your eyes. It's a look that harkens to a part of me that only you have ever had access to, and a part of me that I have wanted to forget. It has had no place in my life, and yet every time that I have tried to push it away, it always seems to find it's way back in.

It scares me... scares me now because I miss you... and I regret that decision to leave you that day. I wanted the kiss that was to come next just as much as you did, which is why I left. I am sorry, I don't want to push you away anymore, I don't want my fears to keep me from you anymore. You mean too much to me... I care for you too much. I have decided that if you will take me back, I will be with you in any way you wish me to be. Fear be damned.
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[31 Jan 2012|05:28am]
This is a million to one shot, so I'll likely cross post the hell out of it.

I'm looking to test out an Asari (from the Mass Effect Universe). Adult and/or fluff themes are A-Ok, but I'm looking for something more in-depth. I okay with fandom crossovers, straight sci-fi, or even them somehow ending up in a modern setting. I'm willing to be really flexible on this one, just because it's an idea I've always had. If it works out well, I'd even be willing to bring the character to a comm (if there's any out there who want one).

AIM/Gdocs,Threading - all okay. I'd prefer AIM for brainstorming and playing, but don't consider it a requirement in any way, and I ask for serious replies only. It's a very loud muse, an I'd very much like to try it out.

You can reply here or message me on AIM @:ThingsThatHaunt
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[31 Jan 2012|10:24am]
I've a few ideas for small original games or group psls but I'm not sure which idea is worth pursuing, if any of them are. So I decided to do a little blurb about each idea which can be read HERE and see if there's any interest out there for any of these ideas. If you are interested, please comment on the post to let me know. Same goes if you have any questions.
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[31 Jan 2012|12:51pm]
looking for psls! check the journal.
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[31 Jan 2012|01:21pm]
anyone interested in playing joseph gordon-levitt for me for a psl against megan or zooey?
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[31 Jan 2012|01:50pm]
check the journal.
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[31 Jan 2012|02:59pm]
check the journal.
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[31 Jan 2012|03:43pm]
Does anyone out there play Matt Sanders? I'd love him for a slash line! I have a few storylines in my journal, but I think he'd make an awesome drug lord for the first line. I'm open to brainstorming something up though, if none of my storylines appeal. Contact me on AIM at znaeshlity!
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[31 Jan 2012|09:26pm]
Any Steve players around?
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[31 Jan 2012|11:20pm]
So, maybe posting after a marathon session of video games and insomnia wasn't the best idea. Decided to clean this up and repost it.

This is a million to one shot, so I'll likely cross post the hell out of it.

I'm looking to play and test out an Asari (Either an OC, or established character) from the Mass Effect Universe. I'm perfectly okay with with a wide variety of themes, Adult and/or fluff, but I'm looking for something with more substance and depth. I'm okay with fandom crossovers, canon, straight sci-fi, or, pretty much, any ideas that interest you. I'm willing to be really flexible on this one, just because it's an idea I am very excited and curious to try. If it works out well, I'd even be willing to bring the character to a comm (if there's any out there who want one).

Writing can be done either through threading, Gdocs, or AIM. I'd prefer AIM for both brainstorming and writing, but don't consider it a requirement in any way. I ask for serious replies only. It's a very loud muse, an I'd very much like to try it out.

You can reply here or message me on AIM @:ThingsThatHaunt
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