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[14 Jan 2012|12:45am]
does anyone play any of the following fandom characters that would be interested in a psl? daryl dixon (the walking dead), sam winchester (supernatural), dean winchester (supernatural), leon kennedy (resident evil), leonard hofstadter (the big bang theory), alex shepherd (silent hill), james sunderland (silent hill), squall leonhart (final fantasy), rinoa heartilly (final fantasy), seifer almasy (final fantasy), spike (buffy the vampire slayer)
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[14 Jan 2012|06:01am]

Pan-fandom community. Removals done recently, leaving some open roles previously taken. Current fandoms in play: 2 Broke Girls, Alphas, American Gods/Anansi Boys, Buffy, Boardwalk Empire, Charmed, Crime and Punishment, DC Comicbook characters, Doctor Who, Dragonlance, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X/X-2, The Hamiltons, Harry Potter, Hercules/Xena, Heroes, Inception, inFamous, Lives of Mayfair Witches, Marvel Comicbook characters, Merlin, Misfits, Never Cry Werewolf, Nightmare on Elm Street, Ninja Assassin, Seconds Apart, Sleeping Beauty, Smallville, Stargate, Supernatural, Tron/Tron: Legacy, and Vampire Diaries.

Just because your fandom isn't here, doesn't mean you won't be welcomed. Our players are friendly and will enjoy interacting with any character that is brought into the game.

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[14 Jan 2012|10:56am]
EDIT: I'm good, thanks guys. :D

Zombie Apocalypse, Winter/May, Het/Friendship, Email. I will play the male role. Would you like to know more? )
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[14 Jan 2012|06:57pm]
This might be a longshot, but does anyone play any characters from The Hunger Games? I powered through the trilogy over winter break and now I’m kind of itching to try my hand at Katniss. I'd be up for pretty much anything – post series, something set during the books, or even au’s.
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[14 Jan 2012|11:21pm]
check the journal for more information!
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[ viewing | January 14th, 2012 ]
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