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[30 Dec 2011|12:12am]
PSL for strictly filmverse Loki? Crack, serious, crossover, before/au/after the Thor film. I'd be willing to try nearly anything, though I do have a slash line for him so I'd rather fancy finding something on the het side! Sif, Darcy, someone more creative I'm not thinking of - I wouldn't mind toying with a take on Sigyn, either.
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[30 Dec 2011|04:01pm]
Hey, I kind of need a psl for this rather innocent "angel", pb of Lee Donghae. And this would be for a fantasy psl possibly? Free writing, anything goes writers please?! Thanks.
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[30 Dec 2011|06:39pm]
psl? any of the boys from merlin (if anyone cares to pick up eoin macken you will have my everlasting love), or even something on the not so cliche side.
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[30 Dec 2011|09:06pm]
Check the journal, please!
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[ viewing | December 30th, 2011 ]
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