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[28 Dec 2011|02:47am]
[ mood | bored ]

Hey all...
The storyline I'm dying to do is based on characters from the tv show Breaking Bad, but I know that's a long shot, so...
Other than that, I do slash and het. I feel more comfortable playing the male. I'm cool with smut, don't really have anything that majorly bothers me. It can get old if there's only sex and no plot, though :)
I can do celeb, but prefer to do PB or fandom. People I've played in the past have included Johnny Depp, Rufus Wainwright, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, Ewan McGregor, amongst MANY..many more. I'm terribly bored and I work from home so I'm around all the time...
I'm AIM friendly, but I can do threading if you prefer. Comment here.
-crosses fingers-
Hopefully I find a writing partner. I've been doing this since the mid-90's...

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[28 Dec 2011|10:35am]
Love Glee? Love role playing? Our Glee group psl is looking for Rory, Shelby(our Puck is lonely!), Warblers, Emma, Harmony and more. Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
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[28 Dec 2011|03:10pm]
I know it's tough asking for something very specific, but it's been a while since I've attempted a line that wasn't slash, but I've been hit with a bunny I would like to run with. I've got a girl, mid 20's, who's basically the beginning of a Tom Petty song (she's a good girl, loves her momma, loves Jesus, and her boyfriend too kinda thing). She's got a good job, loves her job, her family, and she's engaged to a successful professional. She basically lives a straight and narrow and is desperately bored, even if that's something she'd never admit or shake up intentionally. I'm looking for the guy that will shake her up - Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy Charlie) preferably, Theo Rossi, or musician type - Ryan Adams, Chris Carrabba. I'm not looking to go real dark, but I am looking to have this girl shaken out of her ordinary and forced out of her comfort zone, not just with herself but with the guy. I could possibly be talked into taking the line to a community but once the line's been established.
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[28 Dec 2011|07:05pm]
Does anyone play any characters from Breaking Bad? Mainly looking for Walt or Jesse, but can play against others. Can also play Jesse against a character from something else. Can do slash or het. Any takers? Comment here or IM me at passthejay86.
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[28 Dec 2011|10:30pm]
After watching Sherlock Holmes and Great Expectations I find myself craving something set in the Victorian Era.
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