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[25 Dec 2011|01:58am]
I'm looking for a slash line that could be played either as pb or as a celeb AU - depending on your preferences. The basic idea for the line is that two actors, A and B, get casted for a new homoerotic and controversial movie (Brokeback Mountain meets a modern day action movie) and the line would focus on the problems such a deal might bring.

Character A is the new star in Hollywood, heartthrob and future husband of numerous girls/women; character B is not quite as successful and his career has been going downhill for the last few months (ever since his rather spectacular breakup with a famous actress). Both men accept their roles for this new movie for different reasons: A is tired of being Hollywood's most loved actor and poster boy of his generation and wants to break with the image his agent created for him while B just wants his old life and old career back.

I would love to play out the tension of their first kissing scene (or maybe even their first conversation about the scene, their decision to 'practice/get used to it' without the whole crew watching), the awkwardness between two guys who think of themselves as 'straight'. Of course, I would also love some kind of happy end, though I would definitely prefer a slow development complete with insecurities and doubts (and fights). I'm open to play either role, but I would really really love to use Ryan Gosling (or play against him). Threading and journal-based.
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long shot [25 Dec 2011|06:31am]
Looking for an older guy for my johnny depp back in the nightmare on elm st/cry baby days. I'm not picky who you use as I can play johnny from that time frame
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[25 Dec 2011|03:45pm]
final fantasy 8: [info]guardianforces. coming to a gpsl near you.
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[25 Dec 2011|06:30pm]
Please meet Velasco, the product of a crow demon and a low-level herb witch.

He is almost thirty and he was exiled with his mother at the age of eight from his homeland. His mother has led him to believe that it was because of the the prejudices of the king, but the truth was because Velasco's mother, the court physician, was involved in the poisoning of the then queen, a plot cooked up by the then mistress, presently queen. The reason for Velasco's mother's complicity could be because of some greater good implied by visions she may have had, or the mistress simply paid that well.

In any case, Velasco and the prince, ___(insert name of choice)__, has been childhood friends and grew up together until Velasco was sent away. For this line, I am seeking the prince, who would preferably not have forgotten him, but we could most certainly work something out either way. I have taken the liberty of putting up an open thread for anyone interested to reply to. And yes, Velasco is dying/ will die at the end of that thread starter. However, since the setting is fantasy, it is a simple matter of having him resurrected since his body is still fresh and has not been tampered with.

Please be willing to come up with your own details for the world the line takes part in - it's part of the fun of this line! And if the thread starter isn't clear enough, I am looking for a slash line between Velasco and the prince.
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[25 Dec 2011|06:55pm]
Feeling nostalgic, so I'm looking to play late series one/early series two Simon against any of the other Misfits characters, but especially a Kelly or Sally. If enough are interested, I'd love to play Simon in a full/partial cast gpsl! Hit me up here, please.
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[25 Dec 2011|08:09pm]
I have some storylines and some characters that want to get out to play! Check the list!!
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[25 Dec 2011|09:34pm]
PSL, need a bit of entertainment. Femme or Het only.. aim = lovetolovejen
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[25 Dec 2011|10:43pm]
Perhaps a bit of a long shot, but I'd love to do something based off either the movie Shame or A Dangerous Method (I love Michael Fassbender, so sue me!). It doesn't have to follow the movies exactly, just something rough like a psychiatrist sleeping with his patient or a man who is a sex addict that sleeps with a bevy of women...basically I have nothing really set in mind, just that I want something based off either movie (or perhaps combined some how, I don't know!)

I'm interested in other lines as well so feel free to check out my journal and suggest something (I have no line ideas up just yet, but am open to trying just about anything)
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[25 Dec 2011|10:59pm]
Does anyone play athletes? I would like to play a celeb against one. Open to who.
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