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[14 Dec 2011|12:33am]
check the journal! i could use some new lines.
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[14 Dec 2011|02:50am]
Anyone out there play Demi Lovato? I'd love her for a het psl with my guy. Let's get into the holiday spirit and make it Christmas themed, yes? Writers that can do AIM only, please. Flakes don't waste my time.
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[14 Dec 2011|09:42am]
This is probably a total longshot but would anyone be interested in a PB pregnancy line? I've never played one out and I've been itching to try. I don't care about faces, I'm not too picky. I was thinking of maybe basing it loosely around the movie 'For Keeps' but I'm up for any ideas. I do work nights so AIM isn't really good for me but I am a good threader. I can promise two, maybe three, tags a day. I can be wordy and I am more than willing to provide examples. Anyone interested?
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[14 Dec 2011|06:44pm]
Can I get a Jared Padalecki for a aim slash psl with my jensen? Also looking for odd pairings or older/young type lines.

my aim contact is jenseacklesr
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[14 Dec 2011|08:04pm]
[info]ghostlight a group psl based on the company of les miserables. just had our first adds! come join the fun.
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[14 Dec 2011|10:13pm]
Check the journal!
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[ viewing | December 14th, 2011 ]
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