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[13 Nov 2011|01:16am]
psl for the night, femme or het only.

who i wanna play: selena gomez, haylie duff, candice accola or nina dobrev
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[13 Nov 2011|02:36am]
Looking for a femme Celeb / PB line.

Something along the lines of my girl winning a contest for a night out with your celeb.(Preferably Scarlett Johansson, Alyson Hannigan or Anne Hathaway but open to others). Plot is also open for modification but just a starting point idea.


Also looking to play a boss/secretary line, playing the secretary. Can be het or femme.


Finally, it's a bit more of a fluff line but we can add plenty of kink to it. Looking for my girl's best male friend. For a line where the friendship becomes a bit more
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[13 Nov 2011|03:14pm]
does anyone play johnny weir or would be willing to? i'd love either celeb or pb, not too picky about how you play him but as long as you do we're fine!
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[13 Nov 2011|03:43pm]
Could I perhaps get a Zachary Quinto PB opposite my Tatiana Dumenti PB? I wanna do a psl where they are best friends and the Zach PB is a foreigner and needs to get married to stay in the US and asks her to "save" him. You can make him gay or not, I don't really mind. Obviously, if he was gay they could still have the jealousy that best friends have when one or the other is dating, or doing things with other people, etc, but they're sexual life would be nonexistent (for obvious reasons). Whether he feels guilty for making her stuck in a marriage with a gay man and live with no romance is your choice.

Alternatively, if you decide to write him straight, and there are other factors as to why he's not attracted to her that way, the line may end up being very different. Either way, I just love the pairing of Zach and Tatiana.
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[13 Nov 2011|05:48pm]
dying for something for my gerard! would love an eliza cuts, lynz, or frank. I'm done trying to find a bert :(
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[13 Nov 2011|05:50pm]
something for this amber heard? can be short term or long term, fluffy or smutty, het or femme. i'm flexible.
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[13 Nov 2011|09:18pm]
Supernatural PSL, please? Her story is here and I was hoping to find someone to fill in the rebel position. I do have a little more backstory on him from a game that fizzled out, but it's nothing that has to stick.
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