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[07 Nov 2011|09:56am]
Looking to double up on this one with someone interested in long-term world-scaping, winding paths, and sometimes making it up as we go.
Would love the find a partner for this particular line:

Everyone has an "imaginary friend" growing up. They come from the mirror, or the closet, or from underneath the bed. Some are maternal or paternal figures, some are drop dead mischievous, and others are a little more...dark in nature. This little girl's imaginary friend is from the darker end of the spectrum. He's not cruel or dangerous for her to be around, but he selfish, greedy, and manipulative. One night, while telling a story to put her to bed, he catches a glimpse of her beautiful, shining heart, and he has to have it. He takes the little girl to his side of the mirror.

I'd really like to play this couple as adults. He doesn't age but she does, since she's not from his side. She was only four when he took her so they've been together for quite some time, and he's manipulated her as she's grown up to believe that she's from that world and she's very much in love with him. In his possession, he marries her so no one else can have her.

Only now she's starting to remember and wondering why she's never been assigned a child, and why her husband doesn't seem to have one either.

I want to play the female and ideally, I'd like for him to be a possessive, jealous, but very charming individual. He loves her. His nature just gets in the way. PB-wise, I was thinking that Brandon Urie looked a bit like a slightly cracked imaginary friend, but I'm pretty cool with the majority of faces out there. I thought that Emily Browning would be a good stolen child all grown up.

Let's figure this out. I thread on IJ only. I back-up on Evernote.
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[07 Nov 2011|01:33pm]
Looking for a Damon to my Elena.
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[07 Nov 2011|02:43pm]
would anyone want a antonia thomas, katie mcgrath, oona chaplin, emily browning or ruth negga pb for a psl? i'm good with basically anything: het/femme, short/long replies, fluff lines with spam to supernatural/mythological/fairy tale to serious history lines in the early 1900s - wwii, but i thread only. bonus points if anyone pbs tom hiddleston or colin morgan (the latter not for katie).
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[07 Nov 2011|08:14pm]
would anyone be interested in a Hades & Persephone psl? modern or period, I'm open to ideas. mature, dedicated writers inquire within.
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[07 Nov 2011|08:27pm]
check the journal.
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looking for a Patrick stump [07 Nov 2011|08:55pm]
I know it's a long shot but I adore Patrick Stump and want to do something a bit different then my other lines at the moment. It would be on RL time but the OFC is not a celebrity, yet she's not a fan either. Just a girl living in Chicago that works at one of his favorite places to go maybe? So she just knows him as Patrick, a regular customer inside of some famous guy. More details can be worked out if your interested, that's just the point I have in mine.
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I want to sail my ships [07 Nov 2011|08:57pm]
Hey, really looking for some play for some of my favorite ships I've not been able to play for a while. Would be interested in plot and smut, but I highly prefer my smut with plot. Long or short term, threading or AIM. I'm pretty open for discussion on all the details, and would even be willing to bring my character(s) into a group PSL or other game as long as there is the promise of getting to play out a ship (or ships) listed.

What I'm looking for:
HET - A Buffy for my Giles ~ A Lorne for my Faith ~ A Faith for my Lorne ~ A Faith or Buffy for my Caleb (yes I know so very, very wrong) ~ a Dawn for my Ethan ~ a Nancy for my Freddy ~ A Kaylee for my Jayne, A Teyla for my Micheal.

SLASH - A Giles for my Ethan, a Rodney for my Carson, a Carson for my Micheal.

Hit me up here, at the journal or on AIM: killerbreakfast
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