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[26 Oct 2011|12:15pm]
Gossip Girl Eric/Damien PSL?

Connor Paolo/Kevin Zegers celeb?

Connor Paolo/Kevin Zegers faces in a pb line?

I'll play either though my preference is for Eric/Connor.

Or check the journal.
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[26 Oct 2011|02:25pm]
PSL for a Maggie Grace, Candice Swanepoel or Taylor Swift. (or other) Ideas would be sweet.
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[26 Oct 2011|06:25pm]
Terrill Owens here. I can't get a job but maybe a PSL? Threading please! I am a busy man!
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[26 Oct 2011|08:08pm]
Still trying.

Lord of the Rings: looking for hobbity lines. I'll play Pippin, Merry, or Frodo. Het preferred -- something Jane Austen-y with hobbits? Canon or OC lass -- few ideas at my journal, but I'm open to suggestions. I might be willing to play the lass if someone's really keen to play one of the lads.

The Faculty: I play Casey -- is there a Zeke out there somewhere? Drug dealing badboy for my geek?

email/threading preferred.
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[26 Oct 2011|08:37pm]
Check the journal, please!
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[ viewing | October 26th, 2011 ]
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