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[24 Oct 2011|08:38am]
So after watching this little gem from Sucker Punch again (I guess it could be considered a spoiler, though without seeing the movie it won't make too much sense, I suppose), I really want to do a private line with the two of them (Jon Hamm as the High Roller or at least in a role similar to it & Emily Browning as a young woman he buys, although I do play other ladies and would not be against placing an OC against him). It would be thread based (I never sign on AIM) and I would play the female in the line, but I'm really open to ideas on how to play it all out. I would like for it to be similar to the movie in the sense that he buys a young girl for her virginity, however what comes after that can be decided through brain storming. I'm looking for the line to be incredibly smutty, but with substance to it as well. I want it to be a long term line with a basis to it, so there can be room for evolution and progression with the line, not just us plotting everything out before hand and then having nothing to really do. I'm open to all kinds of kinks and really have no limitations, so throw any ideas at me.
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[24 Oct 2011|02:31pm]

George Clooney/Lance Bass line. Long term. Open to all possibilities. I've posted this a few times before but have been busy and unable to commit but now I'm READY. who's in? PM me, I'm all over this.
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[24 Oct 2011|06:57pm]

Could I interest anyone in joining a (very) small group PSL revolving around the lives of a coven of vampires? Right now we have two males and are currently looking for two females to round us out. Our idea is to keep it just the four of us to start with, that way we can develope our characters and their relationships with each other before approaching the idea of expanding the group. More details upon request!

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[24 Oct 2011|07:25pm]
Does anyone still play within Gossip Girl? Or even the actors?
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[24 Oct 2011|09:51pm]
Group PSL for a girl and her roommate?
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[ viewing | October 24th, 2011 ]
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