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[28 Sep 2011|12:47am]
I come bearing an offer: Tell me who you need for your HP PSL or group and I will play him/her/it.

I'm serious. I feel like I've gotten stagnant over the past couple of months and what better way to cure that than to create a muse out of whole cloth? So yes. Bring me the muses that are chomping at the bit, just desperate to get out, the character concepts that you think are too weird for an actual game, the characters you think might be Mary Sues but are probably very interesting I can tell you. Then, tell me - which canon or what kind of OC have you always dreamed of playing them up against? I will try my hand at playing that character for you.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm on EST and I've got five years of RPing under my belt. I love giving my characters interesting backstory, fleshing out their motivations, and trying to make any idea feasible. I also love interesting plots and building relationships between characters. I value anything interesting, and the generic bores me to death. Though I'm preferential to slash, I will consider het or femme (though I've never done femme, admittedly). My comfort zone lies in guys of about 25-45, but I would be completely open to playing a woman. My era preference is MWPP, but so long as I'm offering myself up to play anyone I'll go for any era, from Founders to Next-gen. I tend to stick with more minor characters who I can flesh out, but if we come up with a good enough plot I'll even play Harry if you need him.

My AIM is ranmafreak93 or you can respond here if you prefer customs or e-mail.
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[28 Sep 2011|09:37am]
Looking for a partner to fill these lines:

#1 - Failed relationship after failed relationship left this thirty-five year old as chaste as the day he was born. Charming but shy, he meets a young single mother who is struggling to raise her infant after her husband ran away with his secretary, and they hit it off - beautifully. The only hitch is that her obvious experience in romance is a little intimidating and he's not quite sure how to explain that he's never really been in bed with a woman, let alone in love. My blatantly sweet and fluffy line. Shameless.

(I want to play the single mother in this line.)

#2 - Two years after his wife dies, this thirty-three year old single father meets and falls in love with another man. I've played this line in the past and it's really important to me that whoever I play it with is interested in more than just slashy sex. The perfect character for this line is someone who likes/loves kids, since the three year old is most definitely in the picture, who understands and respects that he's a previously married straight man who loved his wife very much at the time of her death, and who can understands that the rest of his family continues to see him as a previously married straight man.

(I want to play the single father in this line.)

#3 - In a universe where a royal family does have complete and utter control over the most powerful country in the world, the royal family has a few dark secrets: the king is aging and as he goes, his twin heirs have decided to buck the tradition of being pitted against one another and are instead consolidating power through a partnership. Having always been close, this brother and sister set find themselves growing closer and closer and, taking a page from ancient Egyptian royalty, have begun posing as husband and wife. Ultimately, I would like for them to be a little nuts (in-breeding, I imagine) and planning to kill their father so that they can take control. Superstition and a twisted advisor/prophet would be amazing add-ins.

* I have previously played this with the sister as an Ophelia type, but I am interested in having the sister be a strong woman who is styling herself as a prince since her kingdom hasn't produced a Ruling Queen in over three hundred years. Still crazy, not wilting anymore.

(I want to play the sister in this line.)

More descriptions at the journal.
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[28 Sep 2011|10:21am]
check the journal!
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[28 Sep 2011|03:42pm]
Check the journal, please.
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[28 Sep 2011|09:45pm]
want to write? So do I. I am looking for kpop rpers (mainly SHINee) to play against my OC.
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