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[18 Sep 2011|01:30pm]
I'm interested in a long term, threading line. I like to keep myself busy at work and I just purchased an iphone, so I'm ready to thread some new and exciting lines!

Slash only, please.

These are some of the PB's I play. Aaron Johnson, Andrew Garfield, Chris Pine, Colton Haynes, Dev Patel, Garrett Hedlund, Hayden Christensen, Jay Baruchel, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, and Luke Pasqualino. I can play others, though.

One of my favorite pairings is Hayden Christensen/Edward Norton, so if anyone has an Edward they'd like to throw my way, I'm so totally down.

I just really want to roleplay and I'm up for anything and everything. Also, if anyone is into mpreg and doesn't mind playing the partner that doesn't carry, then hit me up!
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[18 Sep 2011|02:03pm]
does anyone pb/celeb adam lambert or would be willing?
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[18 Sep 2011|02:20pm]
Hello everyone.

I'm going to be upfront and honest, I've never played a really dark SL before. I've always been more of a fluff writer and I want to change that. So I'm hoping someone will want to take a chance on me and help me spread my wings. It can be het, femme or slash, and the only things that I'd rather not touch on are incest and childhood sexual abuse due to real-life triggers I'd like to avoid.

I will play just about any face, male or female as well. Here are some of the faces I've played in the past and present. )

I'll be on AIM later today under the SN casualtyrerun. PMs and comments are also welcome and examples for both journals and scenes can be provided.
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[18 Sep 2011|06:01pm]
I'd like to get my girl Jill here into a SL with an Eric Northman, it can involve mature themes (of course) but I'd like some good plot action to go along with it.
Bio )
Starter )
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[18 Sep 2011|07:01pm]
Celeb/PB line with me playing Kaley Cucuo against Jim Parsons? I'd love something fun and quirky!
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[18 Sep 2011|10:10pm]
would anyone be interested in a line based on john f. kennedy and jackie kennedy's relationship?
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[18 Sep 2011|11:03pm]
Anyone up for some post-Emmy Celeb fun? Would love to play against: Kyle Chandler, Jimmy Kimmel, John Krasinski, Jeremy Piven, Kevin Connolly, Jason Sudeikis, Hugh Jackman.

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[ viewing | September 18th, 2011 ]
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