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[13 Sep 2011|01:23am]
darren criss?
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[13 Sep 2011|01:44am]
Just watch Chaos Theory. Would love to play Ryan against Sarah Chalke!

Willing to take other offers though. Threading please!
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[13 Sep 2011|09:45am]
Bright and early post! I'm looking for someone to write with. I've got ideas in my journal but I'm open to nearly anything original and my fandoms are HP and Figure Skating. I prefer threading and I'm around a lot. Hit me up on AIM @ kindofwords if you're interested. I'm bored, please help!

(sorry for the cross post)
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[13 Sep 2011|12:13pm]
Looking for a Scott Summers for my Jean Grey!
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[13 Sep 2011|03:58pm]
Check the journal, please! Some of my fandoms include Doctor Who, Friends, Smallville, and Community.
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[13 Sep 2011|06:20pm]
Looking for someone to fill the line in the journal please.
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[13 Sep 2011|11:37pm]
check the journal please :)
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[ viewing | September 13th, 2011 ]
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