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[10 Sep 2011|12:23am]
So I had an idea for a line that may be a little too wacky to actually gain any interest. I decided to ask anyway. It goes like this:

We all go a little mad sometimes. )
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[10 Sep 2011|02:19am]
So I've recently found myself fascinated by the idea of couples who live a swinger's life, and people living in a polyamorous relationship, and thought it might make for a fun group psl! These lines would not just be the couples having sex with one another (though that is a given), it would also be about how each one of them deals with adding additional parties to their bed and love life. For example, lets say one is the jealous type, another falls for someone other then their spouse, one is gay, ect. There are so many options and ways to add in some needed drama.

For the time being I'm only looking for the cast of Supernatural, which includes, Jared, Jensen, Danneel, Misha and either his wife, or a celeb of their choosing (seeing as there aren't too many pics of her floating around). We can also debate wither we want to make this purely Celeb, Celeb AU, or just make up some PB's. All those involved should be fine with writing out het/slash/femme, and have a journal for their character for fun spamming and OOC talk. However there will be a community made for posting scenes.

If anyone is more interested in doing a threesome relationship, I would love to play Misha Collins against a Jensen/Danneel or Jared/Gen. I think it would be interesting to have them all living under the same roof, doing things together as normal couples do, only in a set of three.
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[10 Sep 2011|01:15pm]
Having just read a very vague summary of the movie Shame, I must say I would love to do something similar. Basically I am looking for someone to play an older man (no real specific age in mind) against my several years younger woman, who would be his sister. I kind of know how I want things to be played out, however I would much rather brain storm than just put everything I want and expect people to reply. It would be a thread based private storyline and it would be incestuous in nature. I don't 'fade to black' so writing out sex scenes will happen, though I want there to be more to the line than just smut (although there is absolutely nothing wrong with smut and it will certainly be involved at times)
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[10 Sep 2011|01:23pm]
Heading out for lunch, I’m looking for an intricate line to play out so someone please pitch me something good to come back to! I’m not too great with sci-fi, college, or superhero rps, but I’m more or less cool with anything else. I prefer to play boys, though I’d kill to play a Kiko Mizuhara PB somewhere. And I’m not squicky about dark topics, though I do have my limits.
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