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[31 Aug 2011|12:31am]
something from a musical or based on one?
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Something different [31 Aug 2011|01:57am]
Okay, I'm looking for a mature, realistic George Clooney to play against a young pop boy. I'm currently thinking Lance Bass but am happy to consider any one of those old school boybanders. I will play the young pop boy, but for the right person, will be happy to do George. This is a long shot I know, but before you skip onto the next advert, just take a second to think it over! This isn't your regular Jonas Bros/Demi Whatserface psl, it's something a bit different and I'm hoping I'll find somebody who is up for it? pref long term but if it only lasts a few days/weeks, I'll live.

anyway, PM me or reply to this ad!! boom!
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[31 Aug 2011|09:14am]
check the journal!
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[31 Aug 2011|12:54pm]
Alright, I've been dying to play this girl in a femme slash psl, and I've finally got the time free to do it. Would anyone like to play against her? It could be a Nami, or it could be something completely crossover related(like, say a Chun-Li). I'd even be willing to work her as a 'pb' if that's more to your speed. Leave a comment if you're interested. I'd ask for a privat message, but the notifications on those don't tend to work very often.
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[31 Aug 2011|12:55pm]
I am looking to play a post-DH, darker version of Harry Potter who, instead of settling down with Ginny, decides to take a disavowed position with The Ministry in order to hunt down remaining Death Eaters. This line would deal with the darker aspects of a post-war wizarding world.

I am both slash and het friendly and would love a long term PSL with either a Draco or a Hermione. I'd really, really prefer pairing him with either of them but would be open to other suggestions. Please comment at the journal if you'd like to brainstorm. Threading preferred.
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[31 Aug 2011|11:11pm]
I'm looking for a post apocalyptic game. Or if there aren't any, would anyone be interested in starting one? Maybe as a group psl. I have a few ideas if any one is interested.
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