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[24 Aug 2011|03:46am]
Looking for a Marvel Movie Universe PSL or two. Mostly Captain America or Thor related, though obviously it's all one big overlapping mess (and soon to get messier once the Avengers movie comes out!)

I'm looking to play Howard Stark against...anyone from the movie, really. Preferably Steve but I could go for anyone else. Peggy or Bucky could both be fun.

ETA: OH MAN. I also just realized that Namor was active in WWII. I would LOVE to either play him or play someone against him. (Namor and Howard would be amazing, I feel. I think their egos would clash spectacularly.)

I'm also willing to have a go at playing Steve Rogers, either in the WWII setting or after he gets defrosted. Would prefer a Thor to play him against, but I'm willing to go for Tony as well, or anyone else you might want. Oh, also a Peggy, because they are quite cute together. (Wouldn't mind playing her either if you want to do it that way.)

Finally, I wouldn't mind having a go at playing Loki, either prior to the Thor movie or picking up afterwards. Or changing the end. Why not?

I'm very open to alternate endings or tweaking the plot for our own ends. I'm passing familiar with the comics as well and don't mind tossing in comic canon but I don't want to delve too much into that unless we're just using it for the basis of some kind of AU.

Contact me on AIM: NeevKhushrenada
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[24 Aug 2011|10:26am]
Any ladies want to help Justin through his drug problems? A relationship and adult situations will arise but I would like to do some character development as well!

Threading and Het only please!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:20pm]
Looking to fill a couple of specific lines. Check the journal for details.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:35pm]
I'm looking to fill a specific slash line right now, details are here at my journal. Just comment here or there if you're interested!
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[24 Aug 2011|04:09pm]
was wondering if anyone was interested in a 3rd war next gen HP group PSL? Responded to an add for one the other day and nothing came of it. It would be epilogue canon but nothing beyond that. Respond here and if the interest is substantial I will make a comm and such.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:52pm]
looking for het lines! aim only, everything is in the journal. and seriously? no flakes. i'd like to have longterm lines, please.
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[24 Aug 2011|07:59pm]
would anyone be interested in some kind of 1960s-set PSL? i was thinking something like mad men or based on the kennedys, but i'm open.
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[24 Aug 2011|08:41pm]
So this arrogant Mike Shinoda celebrity pb needs an Anna Paquin pb as his girlfriend. I mean a real relationship line. He has a female best friend looking for a male pb as well, this can be discussed.
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[24 Aug 2011|09:29pm]
I would love to get a threading psl for this Jensen Vampire PB. His info is in the journal, I would prefer a slash line, faces Jared Padalecki or Sam Witwer would be great. But open to suggestions for faces and species.
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