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[21 Aug 2011|12:23am]
Looking for a line for this guy. Aim or threading, would love long term. More info on line ideas for those interested.
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[21 Aug 2011|12:39am]
looking for a few long term lines. het or slash sorry but no femme. storylines along the lines of doctor/patient, teacher/student, married man/baby sitter, married man/courtesan, celebrity/fan, ect.. something along the older/younger lines with me playing the younger in the pair. down to use any of the girls/guys in the journal and down for just about anything. comments are screened!
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[21 Aug 2011|01:49am]
I'm interested in picking up some Real Madrid-based private storylines, written via journal. I'm mostly looking to play past or present Madrid players against other Madrid players, but I'm open to lines with former teammates (e.g., Alonso/Gerrard), as long as I'm playing the Madrid half of it. Unconventional pairings are love, but I'll do conventional ones too. Just throw who you'd like to play at me and we'll work something out.
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Looking for... [21 Aug 2011|11:39am]
Looking for someone to fill a line located HERE in the journal.

Threading only, I enjoy lengthy and substance-filled plots and tags, and I am a consistent RP'er -- tags once a day at the very least, numerous tags within a given time period if our gaming lines up! Please, only serious RPers who want to get into a good, solid line and given it the love and attention it deserves. I've had my hopes dashed way too many times.

PBs are open -- I enjoy Katie Holmes as this character, but I'm willing to consider changing her for the right player.

Other info available at the link above; if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
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[21 Aug 2011|04:16pm]
Would anyone be interested in doing a very AU SUPERNATURAL High School line?

I've been dying to do something involving an 18-year-old Dean Winchester as Colten Haynes and a 16-year-old Castiel played by Logan Lerman! Cas wouldn't be an angel of course, but a nerd who is constantly getting picked on in school. We could even say his family is highly religious! He would come from a wealthy family, with his father being a BIG deal in whatever company we choose. Dean on the other hand is the exact opposite. He's the rebel without a case type who's family is new in town. He's left taking care of his younger brother while their dad is off working odd jobs in order to put food on the table.

My idea is this: Dean comes across Cas getting bullied one day and steps in, like the little hero he is, heheh. They case a disturbance with their odd friendship when the loser of the school starts hanging out with the mysterious new kid. Cas, being inexperienced due to his age and religious up bringing, is taken aback with Dean's subtle flirting and promiscuous behavior. He doesn't know what to make of him, though somehow it draws him in more. Dean, being openly bisexual, just enjoys the look on Cas' face when he says a suggestive comment, or kisses him just for the fun of it, til real feelings begin to emerge. As things develop between them, and as Dean begins to make new enemies, they find out just how hard a relationship between them will be, and will they be able to make it work?

I would be willing to play either character in this line, and would love you foreverrr if you could make this long awaited fantasy of mine come true!! XD
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[21 Aug 2011|09:08pm]
evanna lynch, matt lewis, rupert grint, tom felton and bonnie wright report to [info]wizardfolk stat! we are a new gpsl surrounding the HP cast only.
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[21 Aug 2011|10:49pm]
Hunger Games PSL, anyone? Threading or Google Docs, het or slash preferred. Comments screened!
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