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[01 Aug 2011|12:02pm]
A Mad Hatter for my asylum, Right on Time? A Bookverse + Burtonverse Wonderland GPSL; the few requirements can be read over here. Other Wonderland characters are welcome, of course!

A Master Reaver and a Hero Queen, please? For [info]bone_orchard , a Fable III GPSL.

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[01 Aug 2011|04:07pm]
CRIMINAL MINDS FANS! I am looking for a Spencer Reid (possible romantic) and Penelope Garcia (best friend older sister type)! I can play someone for you, too!
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[01 Aug 2011|05:11pm]
I'm looking for people to join me in a zombie related gpsl. While I'm willing to incorporate however many players that are interested, I'd rather it not turn into a community setting where a lot of time is spent waiting on holds/applications/posting on pbads for lines. I want to get some folks together, plot amongst ourselves and mutually brainstorm a setting/direction to take the story in. Then I want to just run with it for however long we can make it last. Any takers?
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[01 Aug 2011|06:29pm]
I got some lines over here still in need of being filled.

Also, I'm apping THE REBEL over at [info]ashbury, and would love to see THE ROCKSTAR and THE DELINQUENT over there as well, as they would have at least a friend line with my boy, who is over at [info]fosterune.
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[01 Aug 2011|06:51pm]

Hello, all! A friend and I are contemplating starting a small group psl based around the film, "Repo! The Genetic Opera," and we are trying to decide if it would garner enough interest to actually come to fruition. The psl would take place after the film has ended, which would put Amber Sweet in charge of GeneCo. We already have an Amber Sweet and a Graverobber lined up, but this still puts us needing a Shilo Wallace, Pavi Largo, and a Luigi Largo. Any takers? Just comment here and let us know. Dedicated writers only, please.
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[01 Aug 2011|07:26pm]
[info]digbyfalls A small-town group PSL set in West Virginia.
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