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[30 Jul 2011|12:06am]
Terribly random, but I'm dying for lines involving one of three things: mythology, fairy tales, and Peter Pan. Call it a need for a little magic and childishness. I'm up for any sort of thing, fandom lines, actual characters, inspired by, reincarnation. Got an idea that's a basic for one of these themes? Been dying for something like it as well? Shoot it to me, I'm on it. I play both males and females, currently up to lines of all sorts - het, femme, slash, or gen. Hit me with your best shot!
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[30 Jul 2011|06:33am]
can i get something for this porn star? another fellow porn star like brett everett or someone he's worked with?
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[30 Jul 2011|05:54pm]
Would anyone want to rp on aim. I have an idea (or two) and need to let them out

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[30 Jul 2011|06:19pm]
Looking for some lines. Please check the journal for more info.
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[30 Jul 2011|07:05pm]
How about a line based off The Proposal? We can come up with our own characters, instead of the canons.
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[30 Jul 2011|10:13pm]
I'm looking for a line that is a mix of A Knight's Tale and Twelfth Night. rest under cut )

I have other lines in the journal too.
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[30 Jul 2011|11:24pm]
i would love some new aim based het lines. you can check my journal, or throw ideas at me. i'm open to suggestion!
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[30 Jul 2011|11:28pm]
As of right now, I'm looking to play in the following fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Legend of the Seeker, and the Hunger Games. Check the journal for more information.
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[30 Jul 2011|11:39pm]
Would anyone be up for a vampire/human line? We could brainstorm. You can reach me by commenting here or sending me a pm.
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