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[25 Jul 2011|01:33am]
[info]dinte a trueblood psl
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[25 Jul 2011|07:32am]
My kingdom for a Lucius to my Narcissa. Whether it be First War era or Trio time, I'm game. Please, pretty please.

I would also really be down for playing Sirius against a James, or Regulus against someone. Other characters I play are in the journal. I'm open to ideas.
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[25 Jul 2011|02:16pm]
Looking for 3-4 people for a small, dramatic group PSL with a darker then usual theme. The storyline revolves around a group of people in their late teens/early twenties who have all come together in some way (internet forums, juvy, school etc.) with one thing in common: they are suicidal. The group decides to take a trip around the united states visting the graves of various celebrities who have commited suicide. The plan is that they will end the trip in Death Valley, CA and carry out the pact. Its based off the book "crash into me" but you don't have to have read the book to take part in the SL! We would love to get this started ASAP so please comment if you are interested! We would also love it if those interested use both AIM and thread as we like a mixture and tend to do group chats upon occasion!
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[25 Jul 2011|04:18pm]
I'm looking for a new line or two with this guy. I'm pretty flexible about whom I'll write him against, though I'd love to see a post-DH (or perhaps mid-DH) Snape, Draco, Harry, Remus, Bill, Percy, Charlie, Luna, Hermione or Fleur. I just really miss his muse, so I'm definitely open to brainstorming something, as dark or fluffy as we like!
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[25 Jul 2011|04:32pm]
Seriously CRAVING my first storyline. Check my journal for more details!

I'm open to taking on multiple partners for this line.
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[25 Jul 2011|05:18pm]
Would anyone be interested in a femme psl between Victoria's Secret models? Candice, Rosie, Behati, or Erin especially but I'd love any pairing.
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[25 Jul 2011|06:54pm]
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[25 Jul 2011|09:30pm]
does anyone play james marsters, david boreanaz or anthony head? i would love a line. i'll also play buffy! het at the moment, please
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[25 Jul 2011|09:54pm]
Looking for some het lines for any of the girls in my journal. Would really love to play against a Jensen Ackles, Benji Madden, Matthew Lewis, or Henry Cavill but open to other!
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[25 Jul 2011|10:00pm]
someone save me from boredom. general stuff in the journal, but i'm more than open to anything you want to propose.
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