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long shot [21 Jul 2011|08:00am]
i've always wanted a line where theres two boys either a gay couple already (something established) or ones meeting for the first time that have had mutial crushes on eachother for awhile. I'd love to base it in the west hollywood area if anyone would be interested
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[21 Jul 2011|10:26am]
I know that most people who PB Zachary Quinto only play him in slash lines but would anyone be willing to play him in a het line? I have a few ideas in my journal.
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[21 Jul 2011|10:50am]
I would really like a line based off of this song. I'd prefer het or femme over slash but could be persuaded in that direction.
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[21 Jul 2011|04:01pm]
Anyone out there play Marvel's Black Cat? Looking for a het line with her. AIM Preferred but I will thread if the line interests me enough.
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[21 Jul 2011|07:44pm]
Check the journal please!
Het, femme only.
Harry Potter or Oringal lines!
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[21 Jul 2011|08:04pm]
So after having seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 quite a few times, I'm back into roleplaying HP after years of not having played it!

That said, I'm looking for a Ron and Hermione PSL! It would be filling in the blanks of right after DH ended until the epilogue! Could do them discussing the kiss, becoming official, being together, their life together after, there are tons of possibilities!

I would play either Ron or Hermione (I have years of experience with both characters and have been roleplaying in general for 8 years) and it would be primarily over AIM with conversations and logs/threads through instant messaging (though using journals is an option)!

I'm looking for committed and experienced roleplayers! If you think you fit the description, give me a shout!

Please reply here if interested. Comments will be screened for privacy!
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[21 Jul 2011|10:05pm]
Would anyone be willing to play Christina Ricci against Mercedes McNab? Either recreating The Addams Family or we could come up with another supernatural type line. If we connect we could even take it to a comm, so let me know!!
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