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[15 Jul 2011|11:13am]
The last movie's release today has me itching for the days of my full-fledged HP fandom, so...anyone up for some HP slash? I'd really like to write Neville against someone, or perhaps Percy. (Just no name-only characters please.) Post-DH would be lovely, or maybe something set during the sixth or last books. Drop a comment and let's work something out!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:06pm]
Is there anyone that would interested in a group psl based around High School of the Dead? It's basically about a small group of High School students trying to survive in a town that has recently been overtaken by zombies.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:25pm]
Could I get a psl for this girl? Her bio is here and I'd really love her questionable best friend. I'm open to any face, but just to toss a few ideas out: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Andrew Garfield, James McAvoy would all be keen.
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cross-posted! [15 Jul 2011|09:34pm]
Would anyone be interested in a small group PSL surrounding the members (and close friends) of the Gryffindor Quidditch team? It could be during-DH (dealing with the war/being real grown-ups), post-DH (dealing with the loss of one of their own), or even during their school years if we wanted to do something lighter. I just really love their friendship dynamic and miss playing Katie (and could obviously change the PB, depending).

Barring that, is there a George Weasley out there that might like a line?
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[15 Jul 2011|10:58pm]
Can I get a Neville/Luna, Harry/Hermione, or two OC's in Potterverse for a PSL please? I'd prefer to play male.
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[15 Jul 2011|11:32pm]
Take a look at the journal, need more summer stuff to do! Original lines written varying from supernatural to historical and between, also a group of fandoms listed mostly HBO/Showtime (Borgias, Rome, Tudors, etc) and semi-fandoms like Mythology. Heavily leaning toward slash and Email/gdocs>aim>threading in journals.
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