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[08 Jul 2011|12:02am]
looking for a few great het lines, i'd be playing the girl. long lasting lines with an even mix of fluff/smutt. check the journal.
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[08 Jul 2011|12:06am]
check the journal.
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[08 Jul 2011|12:19am]
I suddenly find myself dying to play Sansa Stark, preferably against Petyr Baelish. Is anyone game?
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[08 Jul 2011|12:45pm]
I'm looking for a couple new lines now that work seems to have calmed down. I'd prefer PB, with some kind of fairytale or magic/fantasy twist! Check the journal for more.
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[08 Jul 2011|01:37pm]

Boston Mafia


The Murphys
William Murphy and his young bride, came to Boston nearly thirty years ago. William was quick to establish ties to the underground and just as quickly, became feared and loved within Boston and its surrounding cities. Shannon raised their children. Their sons were to follow in their father's foot steps. Their daughters to fall in love, marry and fill the Murphy home with plenty of grandchildren. When the Lucianos and Rasputins decided they would no longer be under Murphy's thumb, they lashed out and all three families were at war. When the eldest Murphy child, Audrianna Murphy, was found left for dead, their world was rocked. To push them over the edge more, Audrianna was pregnant and her parents didn't know who the father was. Six months on life support with no hopes of recovery, Shannon and William welcomed their first grandchild and mourned for their daughter the same day. Two years later, none of the Murphy's know who the father is. Only one person would have any idea, Angelo Luciano.

The Lucianos
Six years ago, Leonardo Luciano started secretly seeing Audrianna Murphy. The pair quickly fell in love and kept it hidden from their families. When Angelo caught the couple together, he wasted no time in telling his father. Lucky wanted it to end and instead of confronting his son, he put out a hit on the eldest Murphy child. Audrianna was gunned down outside of Leo's apartment, left for dead. Almost three years after her death, Leo found out Lucky was behind it and he killed his father. Ready to be as brutal as his father, Leo took control of the family business, only to be taken out by his father's advisor, Benvenuto Carabinieri. Bene, the new Don of the Italian Mafia, is left to clean up the pieces left in the wake of Lucky and Leo Luciano.

The Rasputins
Viktor Rasputin was never a kind man. He married a woman purely for her looks and nothing else. He may have felt a brief love for her at one point, but that was cast aside. He was a hard man, he had to be. He abused his wife. His children. It was no surprise to anyone when his eldest son, Alek killed him. Few tears were shed over the man's death. Alek, still in his twenties, took control of the Russian mob. He struggles. Men who once followed his father, want the power he has and will do anything to gain control.

Invite only. Invites are given out by the members.
Most Wanted: Requested Lines. Desperately need more cops/FBI agents.

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[08 Jul 2011|04:39pm]
Is anyone interesting in playing a PSL that has to deal with law enforcement? Basically, I've developed an itch to play to play law enforcement of some type. You can either play law enforcement with me with, a civilian, or maybe even a serial killer or something along those lines if we can brainstorm something together.

Law enforcement I'm interested in playing includes police officers, F.B.I agents, CSI members, S.W.A.T, etc, etc. There's more but I'm sure you all get the picture. Slash and threading only.

Also, does anyone play any of the people from Criminal Minds? I'd love to take a stab at Agent Hotchner against someone.
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[08 Jul 2011|04:43pm]
[info]muintir is a small, active group PSL that revolves around the Flannery family. The Flannery clan consists of two brothers and their, wives, offspring and those involved with their children (spouses, significant others, etc.).

Currently [info]muintir is looking for members who enjoy writing scenes as well as chatting via aim and customs. The PSL is in need of a mother as well as the second family. If interested, please comment here for more information.
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[08 Jul 2011|07:33pm]
Check the journal or bring me your ideas! Looking for PB more than fandom right now, but we'll see.
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[08 Jul 2011|08:20pm]
Had a few people flake on me. Looking for something to fill the gap. AIM is FearlessRed182
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[08 Jul 2011|08:31pm]
can I get a megan massacre for a psl?
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[08 Jul 2011|11:47pm]
Sarah Chalke or Judy Reyes for a PB, Celeb, or even Scrubs based line with Dave Franco here?

Would play most of my guys against older PBs/Celebs/Characters as well! (Cameron Diaz, Mary Louise-Parker, Samantha Ferris, Gina Gershon, Jennifer Tilly,  Lisa Edelstein, Jenna Fischer, Melora Hardin, January Jones .... etc etc).
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