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[01 Jul 2011|12:43am]
Would anyone play a young Johnny Depp (30s) in a slash line somewhat based on 'Interview with the Vampire'? Please don't bother responding if you're a flake. AIM play much preferred, but I might consider threading.
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[01 Jul 2011|07:48am]
someone that plays freya mavor, emily blunt, kate middleton, rachel hurd-wood, or saoirse ronan, please? i have a few het lines in mind. i can help with icons too if that's holding you back.
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[01 Jul 2011|08:14am]
This is a little of a crazy idea but would anyone be interested in a line (psl only)where a 16 year old girl gets married to a guy in his late 40s? This would not be smut only but bring in lots of obsession too. I would play either role. Any takers?
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[01 Jul 2011|08:27am]
[ mood | awake ]

A Mad Hatter for my Bookverse + Burtonverse Wonderland group PSL, please? It's freeform/casual, and runs on individual character pursuits, relationships, and the like.

Further details, and our few membership requirements can be read over in this entry.

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[01 Jul 2011|11:03am]
i'd like to find someone interested in a group psl on scribbld set in san diego, california. a female to play against kellan lutz is what i'm looking for. i've got some ideas to talk to you about, but ultimately, i just want something fun.
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[01 Jul 2011|04:15pm]
Check the journal!
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[01 Jul 2011|08:03pm]
Moscow's planted a mole. It is one of five men. Does that not just thrum at your heartstrings? I would love to snag a PSL based on the genre. It can be about two or more friends, where one is an agent of influence for Kremlin, and at least one of the friends is a member of MI5. Alternatively, we can restrict it to MI6 and bring it closer to the source material; or even canon, if you've read the books. These are just rudimentary ideas, but I really don't mind an overhaul of the premise, so long as the flavour is there!
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[01 Jul 2011|09:32pm]
[info]gameandwatch panfandom gpsl featuring video game characters. i'd LOVE to see more zelda characters, and just more holds/apps in general!
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[01 Jul 2011|09:41pm]
PSL? Possibly with Garrett Hedlund,Jackson Rathbone, Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, or Elijah Wood. Celeb/or PB. Short/long term. AIM for one nighters and thread for long term. As for short term, well we can discuss it.

Anyone down? Hit me up!

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[01 Jul 2011|10:08pm]
check the journal, thanks!
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