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[11 Jun 2011|06:49am]
Anyone play Penn Badgley or Taylor Momsen, maybe Michelle Trachenberg?
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[11 Jun 2011|07:06am]
So I've been away from insanejournal for a little while, but I would really like to get back into writing! Check out my journal and hit me up for some lines! If we've previously discussed lines, or had ongoing lines in the past, let me know if you're still interested! I play all sorts of things - original lines, males and females, fandom lines - I just like for my lines to have plot! Thanks!
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[11 Jun 2011|04:58pm]
Check the journal, please!
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Trying this again now that I have more time! [11 Jun 2011|05:20pm]
At the risk of following the trend, I'd love a Kurt/Blaine line. The twist is that I'm not looking for pure fluff or even mostly fluff – and that, to that end, I'd like to rewind to before Sectionals and play out a longer (and much more complicated) path to any sort of relationship. Don't get me wrong; the show is great, but happy-go-lucky gets kind of monotonous in a day-to-day storyline. There's no denying the cute, but I need drama, angst, sexual tension (and eventually a little kink of some sort) and conflict to balance it out. I want a partner (or two) who's eager to contribute ideas to keep the plot fresh; iIf you're one of those "idk, whatever you want" people, I'm not the writer for you. OOC discussion posts are almost as important to me as scening because, at least in my personal experience, communication helps a storyline last. If you love to brainstorm, come up with plot twists, and NPC other characters as needed to flesh out the world our characters live in, I might be the writer for you!

But hold up a a second. Before we get into planning anything, I'd really prefer to exchange scene samples. There's not much worse than sketching out an amazing storyline and then having your start ignored or feeling guilty that you're having trouble replying to someone else's because your styles just don't "click." They don't have to be Glee-specific, I just want to avoid that discomfort or disappointment if at all possible. Character-wise, I'm willing to play either, but here's the catch, especially if you want to play Kurt: I don't play strict top/bottom or sub/dom roles in bed or out of it. If you're looking for fairytale romance, this isn't it, because Blaine isn't Prince Charming and Kurt isn't Sleeping Beauty. They've both got a lot of hangups and dysfunction, and one-sided advances/initiative just aren't going to do it. If you want me to play Blaine, make sure your Kurt brings his sass, his wit, and his nerve. There's nothing that kills a line faster than a wilting flower.

Drop me a comment if you're interested! Threading only, please. Multiple responses welcome (including from the couple of people I discussed this with a while back)!
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[11 Jun 2011|05:44pm]
I would steal babies to bring this line to life. Pretty please with sugar on top? I had the line going and then it died. It's my favorite cliche.
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[11 Jun 2011|05:50pm]

Arrested Development players. I'm late to the show but I've just watched most of the first season and am planning to be done sometime during next week.

Anyway, anyone play Maebe against George-Michaels? If not then maybe some other line? I'd love to play some of these wacky characters!
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[11 Jun 2011|06:44pm]
I'm looking for something extremely rare. I know don't if it still exists in the roleplay world today. Is there anyone willing to write because you enjoy it? I don't want flakes, I don't want a tag back every two weeks, and I don't want one or two liners. If that sounds like you then I please ask that you skip over this.

I'm looking for slash lines. Long term, slash lines. I also want these long term slash lines to be threading lines. I can't get on aim, but I'm a really good threader. I like detail with my posts and threading gives me enough time to write you a good reply or tag. I want to be excited about our characters and I want to be excited about our line.

If there is anyone at all who doesn't mind writing against men who play in bands (particularly this man. Picture 1 & picture 2) I urge you to comment because all I'm doing is looking to write. I know my chances of getting writing partners are pretty limited now that I say I play a plethora of band dudes, but please don't let PB faces ruin your chance of finding a good person to write with. I can and will write PB/AU or celeb.

I prefer writing against other band members, but I'll write against actors as well as long as they fit the part of whatever storyline we're coming up with. I have a lot of ideas I'd like to write out if I can find good writers in return.

That being said, I'd kill for a Matt Sanders or Brian Haner to play my Zacky against, but I'm open to playing other people and playing against other people. If you'd like more information then please comment and I'll make us a custom asap.
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final fantasy psls? [11 Jun 2011|10:21pm]
Hi, all. I'm in search of a few good lines. Fandom, threading, check the journal--I'm reaching a bit, but I'd especially love some Final Fantasy (VI, VIII, X, XII, or some mixture of the games) or maybe some classic anime fandoms, but I have plenty of interests. Check it out, thanks!
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[11 Jun 2011|10:25pm]
Looking for some PSL's, I'm open to characters.
Het only please.
AIM - LuckyyTiger
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[11 Jun 2011|10:46pm]
Would sell my soul for a couple of lines:

Dean Winchester for my Ruby.

Tony Stark for my Sue Storm. (might be willing to take this one to a panfandom community)
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