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[04 Jun 2011|01:53am]
does anyone play eric northman?
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[04 Jun 2011|03:56am]
Minka Kelly for a line against this Ryan Reynolds vampire. Got a basic idea, willing to hash out details.
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[04 Jun 2011|04:44am]
does anyone play the lovely brittanya from vh1? or would be willing to try her out? i would adore her for a het line with my guy. aim preferred, but i'm willing to thread.
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[04 Jun 2011|05:09am]
A Rupert Grint and Freya Mavor (PBs are flexible, I’m just throwing out ideas) for a PSL perhaps? Slash is implied. I vaguely have a line in mind about three teenagers who play truth or dare games that starts innocently enough eventually get out of hand when one of them dares the other to commit the perfect murder.
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[04 Jun 2011|10:01am]
Anybody plays a good Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy? Might be canon or against an original character. Possible violence, angst and undercover activities involved. Contact me if you want to know more.

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[04 Jun 2011|01:01pm]
does anyone pb penn badgley? i'd love him for a fwb type psl similar to no strings attached!
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[04 Jun 2011|01:04pm]
Check the journal. Femme or some het ideas.
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[04 Jun 2011|01:43pm]
anyone want to play raven against my charles from x-men: first class? totally guilty of digging this pairing and wanting a psl (either threading or aim) for it.
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[04 Jun 2011|05:35pm]
I really want a zombie PSL or a m/f/f if anyone is interested? Disregard the icons unless you're particularly fond of Amber.

EDIT: Need a second female for a m/f/f line!
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[04 Jun 2011|10:03pm]
Any Marvel players out there tonight? I would love a Mystique or Moira for my Xavier or Magneto, but the ideal would be Charles/Mystique in movie canon.
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