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[06 May 2011|12:02am]
[info]ultimania cloud strife, seifer almasy, selphie tilmitt, quistis trepe, irvine kinneas, laguna loire, edea kramer, cid highwind, vincent valentine, rufus shinra, scarlet, reno, rude, tseng, elena, zack fair, zidane tribal, garnet, eiko carol, beatrix, tidus, yuna, rikku, paine, auron, wakka, lulu, vaan, panelo, balthier, fran, basch, ashelia, lightning, snow villiers, vanille, sazh, hope, fang, lebreau, gadot, serah ferron, red xiii, kiros seagill, angeal hewley, barret wallace, genesis rhapsodus, kadaj, loz, yazoo, rufus shinra, sora, kairi, riku, leblanc, lenne
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[06 May 2011|09:01am]
Anyone up for a Doctor Who-verse PSL? I would really, really love to sit down, brainstorm on different worlds/times/scenarios and then write them out. My favorite scenarios are futuristic ones and ones on other planets, but I'm also happy to jump into historic points in time too!

I'm partial to playing Rose Tyler and/or Amy Pond (and am open to hopping around between different points in the series to play multiple characters and sets of the Doctor and whichever companion he has at the time). I'm also open to doing something regarding making up a future version of the Doctor and a companion.

Ideally, I'd like someone who'd be excited to play the Doctor (in whatever versions you're interested in) and who's also on board with playing multiple supporting characters as NPCs and/or Torchwood characters for each world/time/scenario we come up with (and I would do the same).

Currently, I'm making my way through Season 5 quite speedily and should be completely up to date in about a week or so.

I'm pretty flexible and open to any ideas you have! Feel free to leave a comment and/or PM me if you're interested!
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[06 May 2011|11:35am]
looking for a couple of new slash psls. check the journal.
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[06 May 2011|12:38pm]
Looking for the second brother to this brother-sister-brother dynamic here. Character in name > Timothy Warner, third sibling of the infamous carnie Warners. More info in link. I would absolutely love to get this character in with our plot! Then we would be complete! We have the sister and the first brother so come and be the third wheel!
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[[info]unitedwestand] [06 May 2011|02:48pm]
Seeking new, invested players for a thread-based, post-apocalyptic survival game. We love realism and character development above all things. This is a story about real people in extreme situations. Check out [info]unitedwestand for premise, faq, and more information. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the mods!
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[06 May 2011|05:27pm]
Looking for two threading writers. I was trying to set up a PSL for a polygamous family: they grew up together on a compound, best friends, until the two women were promised to much older men. Instead of letting allowing his best friends to go into awful marriages with men who just wanted to collect the pretty, young things, he ran away with them and married both to keep them safe and taken care of. They've been living as a married family for fourteen years now, they have two daughters and three sons, and are trying to make it in the world.

He has a lot of issues with their religion and is leaning more atheist now that he's a father to two girls; the idea of his eldest being old enough to marry if she were on the compound really disturbs him. He has embraced modern society and culture and sometimes that causes issues with one of his wives, who really misses compound life.

If anyone's interested, let me know!
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[06 May 2011|05:53pm]
looking for some psls. preferably a line or two where i have the opportunity to play a female as well. check the journal for details.
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[06 May 2011|07:51pm]
Anyone play mark salling, darren criss or chris colfer?
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[06 May 2011|11:49pm]
An Elijah for my Elena? I have an idea in mind, but everything is open to discussion.
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