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[03 May 2011|01:40am]
Would anyone be interested in playing Jacob from Water for Elephants in a slash line through threading? I just finished watching the movie after reading the book some time ago and basically thought about this line the entire time! I'd like the line to be as canon as we can make it, though I would be playing an OC. I really want to include Marlena and her relationship with Jacob as a friendship, as Jacob's relationship with my character grows. I've got plenty of ideas for this line/how Jacob/my character's relationship would fit into the story, so let me know if you're interested and we can toss some ideas around!
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[03 May 2011|02:04am]
just saw fast five and kinda loved it! would anyone be up for a psl or psl group based around the series with canon and originals?
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[03 May 2011|02:44am]
looking for a few psls!
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[03 May 2011|04:01am]
Would anyone be up for a historical slash line? I would like to play an androgynous male dancer opposite a gypsy. AIM play only, please. My screenname is the same as my username, so feel free to ping me to discuss it.
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[03 May 2011|01:34pm]
a femme psl, pb or celeb..
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[03 May 2011|04:04pm]
Characters Wanted (edited) )
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[03 May 2011|08:24pm]
Is there a het Brian Haner Jr out there???
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[03 May 2011|11:15pm]
Femme or Het line for the eve! Check out the journal....

aim sneakyaftershow
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[ viewing | May 3rd, 2011 ]
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