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[09 Apr 2011|01:28am]
check the journal!
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[09 Apr 2011|03:53pm]
could i get darren criss/chris colfer, chord overstreet/chris colfer, or chord overstreet/darren criss? i'll play either in any pairing.
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[09 Apr 2011|04:28pm]
[info]jekyllisland A group PSL about a dramatic political family with premades based on the Kennedys
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[09 Apr 2011|08:27pm]
I'm itching to just WRITE. I'm looking for a few people who are interested in a PSL right now, hopefully through AIM. Would love a long term SL partner or two (or three!) who enjoy dramatic lines that aren't just filled with pure fluff and who like to actually plot and play their characters!
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[09 Apr 2011|09:54pm]
looking for aim based lines, check the journal please!
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[09 Apr 2011|10:38pm]
So I'm really in the mood for a slashy Star Trek psl.

I'd really like to do something in the AU established in the new movie but am open to other time periods.

I'm open to ideas but I was thinking about maybe some cadets at the academy or personel on a ship, a researcher/officer on a ship or maybe something having to do with intelligence work during a war. Like I said, I have no preferences so if you have ideas or something that you've really wanted to play out, let me know. I don't want to play a canon character personally but you are more than welcome to.

No aim lines please.
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[ viewing | April 9th, 2011 ]
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