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[23 Mar 2011|12:35am]
Looking for some kind of SL involving these two as PBs.

Basically they love hate tolerate each other. On again/off again doesn't begin to describe them. Violent fights, violent makeups.


I'd be playing the girl. Hit me up if you're interested.
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[23 Mar 2011|12:16pm]
looking for a slash line for this robert downey, jr. pb. check the journal for info and faces i'd like to see.
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[23 Mar 2011|05:53pm]
It goes a little something like this:

Best friends, boy is gay. Boy and girl end up kissing and boy realizes he is attracted to her. Things get complicated because he is gay and has a boyfriend. He tries to ignore feelings he has for best friend, even ignoring her. Eventually he cant stand it anymore and they end up together. I was thinking an Adam Lambert type for the boy...anyone interested? comment here or pm with info if you want. :)
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[23 Mar 2011|09:42pm]
Would anyone be interested in doing a line based loosely off Water for Elephants? I'd like to modernize it a bit but the basic premise would surround the relationship between a circus/carnival worker and the shows star performer.
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[23 Mar 2011|11:51pm]
Really lonely tonight. Can I get a slightly romantic het line for the night?
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[ viewing | March 23rd, 2011 ]
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