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[16 Mar 2011|12:08am]
Does anyone out there play Severus Potter and would do a slash line against my Scorpius? I use William Moseley and would love a Ben Barnes as Severus if that is possible or anyone really.
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comments screened for privacy. [16 Mar 2011|12:10am]
PSL anyone? I'd love something based off of the movie "The Vow" or something similar to "50 First Dates", but a lot less comical. It would be long-term and I'd like to play one of the following...

Rachel McAdams, Kate Mara, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Michelle Williams, or Kate Beckinsale.

I'd like to pair her with one of the following...

Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Hartnett, Channing Tatum, Ashton Kutcher, Henry Cavill, Ryan Reynolds, or Ryan Gosling.

We could even have a child involved, (eventually or currently). I'm not dead set on these faces and I'm all for brainstorming more ideas for the line. It would be threading only, but involve customs/commenting, as well as scening.
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[16 Mar 2011|06:38pm]
I'm in search of a PSL involving Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, or Sirius Black and James Potter. Being that the common name in those two pairings is Sirius, I'd prefer to play him. However, I love playing Remus as well.

I'm not opposed to going to a game or group psl, if anyone is looking for either of those characters (not even necessarily to pair).

I've also got other ideas in my journal, so feel free to give it a glance!
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[16 Mar 2011|10:15pm]
Might be a longshot, but would anyone be interested in a Pokemon slash line? Maybe even something with 'morphs/gejinka/etc.? All generations welcome.
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