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Narnia line [07 Mar 2011|02:32am]
[ mood | inspired ]

I have tried this line before, and although I had a partner, life went terribly wrong and I disappeared from the writing world for a while. Now that the inspiration for the pairing has returned to me though, I thought I'd try and post the line again :)


Peter and Caspian grow closer to one another the night before the battle with Miraz's army. They find themselves kissing, though Peter brings an end to it because he knows he will eventually have to return to his own world and leave Caspian behind. Caspian doesn't quite understand why he pulls away, and Peter finds it difficult to explain to him- fearing that he might have to admit to having already fallen in love with him.

Once the battle is over, Peter tries to keep his distance from Caspian- who finally confronts him about it the night before the Pevensie family returns to their world. This leads into a fight given Peter's reluctance to be honest with him though after being pushed hard enough to talk, he finally blurts his feelings out in a rage and the two end up spending a passionate night together; not knowing Aslan's plans for Peter's return home the next morning.

Heart broken and sad, Peter goes home and struggles to find his place in his world; feeling as though he left a part of himself in Narnia with Caspian that he is unable to get back. Believing he will never return to Narnia though, and that time has moved on in the other world and so has Caspian, he throws himself into his studies and tries to forget.

That is until the Professor sends him the doors to the precious wardrobe and a note reading:

My dear Peter,

Once a King of Narnia, always a King of Narnia. Sometimes, rules are meant to be broken. Follow your heart.

Love, Professor Digory

I would love to begin the line the night before the battle and follow through that bit of plotting till Peter's return to Narnia, but after that I am more than willing to map out the rest of the storyline. Narnia is a setting where I believe a lot of creative writing can take place, and given that our story will not be canon, I think we could have a great time building a story with a lot of adventure, drama, fluff and of course, smut ;)

If you're interested, comment here or find me at alwayskingpeter

3 comments|post comment

long shot [07 Mar 2011|05:43am]
would it be possible to get someone female or male (not taken) for my chord overstreet at a community?
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[07 Mar 2011|01:26pm]
would anyone be interested in a small group psl based on general hospital? discussion post can be found here.
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[07 Mar 2011|07:05pm]
Can I get a PSL for my Buffy? I'd love something against one of the Winchesters.
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[07 Mar 2011|07:20pm]
Would anyone be interested in doing a group psl using the actors from the recent Hair tribe? It would be pb, and we could even try polyamory if there's interest.
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[07 Mar 2011|07:38pm]
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[07 Mar 2011|07:46pm]
something slash and pb for a t. mills or mike fuentes? i just want a really fun and active line!
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[07 Mar 2011|08:02pm]
looking for a psl or two. one idea is in the journal and i have another one in mind too. i can use halle or another face.
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[07 Mar 2011|10:09pm]
Check the journal, I'm up for anything. If you're interested, you can reach me at ourpastloves to discuss something.
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[07 Mar 2011|10:38pm]
So I was thinking, after watching Case 39, it might be fun to do a foster parent/child psl. Instead of being a demon child as in the movie, the little girl is being abused at home and upon the work of a social worker, she finally finds a family. She's scared, hurt and trapped inside a world of fear and mistrust. I'd like to find a parent or a pair of parents to try to bring her out of her shell and attempt to form some sort of relationship with this damaged, and broken child.
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[07 Mar 2011|11:36pm]
[info]bunked aaron page, please? someone on ij has to read 'dalton.'
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