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[01 Mar 2011|12:38am]
I've had a ridiculously bad day and am looking for a good distraction in the form of some writing. Does anyone PB Matthew Gray Gubler?? He would definitely put a huge smile on my face.
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Wanna Play? [01 Mar 2011|01:59am]
Please Check my Journal for a bunch of stuff that I'd be interested in, Really interested in finding some lines.

I'm also really looking for a Charmed Roleplay, and a Wyatt to my Chris. I'm currently re-watching the season and would love to get a few lines of this.

Thanks in advance~ <3
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[01 Mar 2011|08:27am]

Ever want to be a part of a great romance? Want to know what it feels like to be utterly and completely in love? Well here’s your chance!

I’m a roleplayer looking for someone to play the Jack Dawson to my Rose Dewitt Bukater in the setting of the Titanic.

This will be just a two person RPG. One on one roleplaying through Rose and Jack’s journals.

Rose and Jack meet on the Titanic just as the movie details but in the end, the boat does not sink and Rose gets off with Jack as planned. They start a new life filled with love and adventure.

Our roleplay will start the day after Jack saves Rose from going overboard and will follow the events of the movie up until the night when the iceberg hit the Titanic. Instead of it hitting, Jack and Rose will continue to evade Cal and Lovejoy but will spend the remainder of the trip in Jack’s room together, at some point returning to Rose’s stateroom only to gather some of her things.

Rose and Jack are of the same class on the Titanic ship. Rose is still engaged, Jack is aboard alone, they meet and sparks fly. How would the tale have changed? How would things turn out for the couple?

Role reversal. Rose is the third class passenger and Jack is the first class passenger. Jack still saves Rose from going overboard but this time, he's the one who gets trouble for being around a third class girl. Would they relationship still survive?

Please respond in comments to this post if interested. Looking for committed and experienced roleplayers with SUFFICIENT knowledge of the movie and its characters.


Contact Abbie
IJ: [info]rosesarered

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[01 Mar 2011|08:33am]
[info]redvelvetcar is a group psl revolving around two bands going on tour together - one group of rebellious teenagers, naive and ignorant as to what they are soon to face and a more experienced band. We need one more member for the youngsters, a few more for the older band, along with groupies, roadies, friends and family members (I have two specifics in mind for this girl).
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[01 Mar 2011|09:25am]
12 year Role-play vet looking for journal/aim psls. PB is Lacey Chabert. Will pick up a male pb if a line is interesting and I can play him alongside my girl.

Two character storybook rp style. Asterisk if necessary. Color code if necessary.

Fandoms include House MD (Ie, Kutner), Heroes, Apocalypse, Losers, Red (All OC's)

House MD I may play a cannon with this character.

Also a fan of band psls. AU, PB, Celeb. Usually playing a roadie or assistant.

Not a slash writer but a "curious" writer. (IE some characters would be bi-curious).

Shoot me a PM or comment if interested. Cross posted.
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[01 Mar 2011|10:59am]
I'm looking for a line set in the HP-verse writing OCs that have graduated from Hogwarts. That is to say, the lives of two young wizards out in the actual wizarding world using that magical education and establishing their magical careers. There would be little connection to the characters and events of the actual series so we will be free to explore wizarding lives and the world without having to stick to canon. Slash only. AIM or threading.
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[01 Mar 2011|04:06pm]
[info]uprootedfantasy group psl based off Final Fantasy/Dissidia. We're small but active and friendly. Specific roles we're looking to fill include Tseng, Elena, Gippal, Auron, Fujin and Raijin. Though any characters are welcome.
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[01 Mar 2011|06:11pm]
does any one play ryan seacrest that would be willing to bring him into a faux celeb community for a storyline with a Julianne Hough? I have a line idea.
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[01 Mar 2011|06:47pm]
Hey everyone, I am still looking for some long-term AIM partners. In brief, I play het or femme. I tend to get more responses for femme and I don't want those people to not feel welcome to message me but I would also like to encourage those with straight male characters to inquire. Femme players, please don't hesitate either. I have a bunch of BRIEF ideas in my journal with some of my tastes but I am very open to combining, modifying or developing anything with a good storyline. I also do not want the RP to be complete sex based or smut-HEAVY. I DO like smut when there is a build up or when the scene calls for it. Refer to the post in my journal for a bit about me. If for some reason that does not work, I am open to answer any questions you have.

AIM- AprilBabeHunter

[01 Mar 2011|08:58pm]
Check it, please!
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[01 Mar 2011|10:25pm]
looking to fill the line in the journal.
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[01 Mar 2011|11:31pm]
check it!
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