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[25 Feb 2011|01:56am]
So after reading some really fantastic fanfiction for the past week, I'm really itching for a superhero line. I have a few ideas below the cut. All the ideas are based in the DC-verse but can be adjusted to be an original verse if you don't feel comfortable playing in DC-verse (or an AU version).

lines here )

No previous knowledge of the DC-verse is necessary but if you know something, like who Batman and Oracle are, that would be terrific.

I'm looking for something slashy and over threads. Might be open to gen/friendship lines or even a small group if there is interest.
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[25 Feb 2011|04:10am]
Looking for a het PSL based loosely (or not-so-loosely, depending on preference) on the Phantom of the Opera. I'd like to play the female role, but everything else is up for grabs. Modern or historical, loose interpretation or close to the story. Something dark and intense would be fun. Not just smut, but certainly with sexual scenes.
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[25 Feb 2011|03:39pm]
a psl for one of my girls? check the journal. Unconventional welcome.
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[25 Feb 2011|04:24pm]
Perrey Reeves or Emmanuelle Chriqui for a celeb or fandom (Entourage) line?
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[25 Feb 2011|05:04pm]
I'm looking for a short-term smutty thread for the night! Het or femme, I'm not picky but I'd like to play the girl for anything het. I have a number of general lines here that I'd like to do, especially the friends with benefits one. :)

I also wouldn't say no to any of the Harry Potter lines I have, should anyone be interested!
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[25 Feb 2011|05:23pm]
Does anyone play Justin Chatwin?
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[25 Feb 2011|05:42pm]
Does anyone play Miranda Cosgrove? I'd love her for a het line. If you're interested leave your aim name.
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[25 Feb 2011|08:18pm]
SO long shot i know, but would anyone be up for an aim based whedonverse psl? I would LOVE to find an Angel for my Cordelia or Spike/Xander for a slightly au Dawn!
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