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[09 Feb 2011|02:23am]
Long shot but I'm looking for a Squall to my Rinoa. I would like to place it after the final battle and a few years after everything settled. Did they stay together, did they go their separate ways,did they get married, did they have children.

Or a Link to my Malon/Zelda-present time, since each game seems to be a "reincarnation" of an old Link. Maybe a Human bonded to another human or even a vampire that's why they are always protecting this stranger they have not met.

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[09 Feb 2011|05:56am]
After moving to a new town with her family, a female teacher puts her credentials to use and takes a job at the local high school. She's confident, beautiful, ethical, and very good at her job. At the same time, though, she's getting older (30-35) and subconsciously likes the attention that her male students give her, mostly because it makes her like she's still young and desirable. She's been known to flirt a little without really realizing it, but she'd never cross the line and make an advance. So what if she's flattered when she catches a boy looking up her skirt and fails to punish him for it? It's not like she'd ever compromise her moral integrity. One day, two known troublemakers who've been causing problems all year start screwing around in class. She gets fed up with their antics and sends them to the principal's office. As a result, they miss their mid-term and receive automatic fails. Furious, they privately vow retaliation, and later that night, when she's alone in the classroom, they set out to teach her a lesson. She tries to resist and is outwardly disgusted, but her body isn't quite so opposed. When it's over, she says she's going to call the police, until she finds out that they've photographed the encounter. They promise they won't expose her to the community and embarrass her family... if she lets them have her whenever (and wherever) they want her.

This is obviously a dub-con line, threading preferred. I'll play either the teacher or the first guy, but I want to jointly NPC the second guy so no one is doing twice the work. It can be short-term smut, or we can give it a little more substance and make it long-term. In the latter case, I was thinking that sparks would fly between the teacher and one of the guys, initially of the lust-hate variety, but maybe eventually developing into something more. That would cause all sorts of problems; if they were ever found out, she could lose her credential and custody of her kid(s) and go to jail. Plus, maybe the second guy finds out that she's been meeting up with his friend alone and isn't happy about that. I'm open, honestly! It can have as little or much plot as you want.
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[09 Feb 2011|05:08pm]
I'm looking for a Harry Potter-based line for my original character here. Basically, he's an American wizard, former auror. Go HERE for more details and let me know if you're interested!
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[09 Feb 2011|05:52pm]
I would like to start up a small psl group of five or six people, set in the Firefly universe, using original characters. This has been tried before as a game, but I think that the games become too large, too unwieldy, and so I'd like to keep this small, focused on the characters of one single ship, the Nekhbet. These are definitely people who live their lives in shades of grey, often the darker shades, so don't expect any of them to be people of extraordinarily high moral fiber. They're not utterly irredeemable and have their own sense of right and wrong, but they are generally not "big damn heroes."

I have the captain and first mate, so I'm looking for the rest of the crew: pilot, engineer, mercenary, medic. Perhaps a companion or passenger, but I'd like to see the crew roster filled first, if possible. The focus will be on plot and characterization so I'm looking for writers who like to thread and who can write well. I'd especially like to see writers who can offer more than one reply per week--I'm not asking for anything outrageous like several replies a day, but nothing gets advanced plot-wise if a once-weekly reply is the most that you can manage.

If you'd be interested in something like this, drop a comment here, and we can talk further.

ETA: The Nekhbet is not a firefly-class vessel, but a scorpio-class ship, which has articulated arms holding a collection of arms, pincers, and plasma cutters, used for salvaging/tearing apart ships and other objects in space. We're looking for two additional crewmates, to work as Cutters, people who operate/manipulate these arms.
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[09 Feb 2011|07:33pm]
Ignore the icon. Probably a long shot but any folks interested in doing an old school, cliche, young love kind of line? Think something along the lines of Nicholas Sparks movies...The Notebook, the Last Song, A Walk to Remember (minus the cancer). If possible, I'd like to play the girl but not completely opposed to the guy role either. This MUST be het and not completley smut based.
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x-posted [09 Feb 2011|09:36pm]
Faces aren't important as this is AU but the type of character is what I'm really looking for.

Character Wanted: A cross dressing power bottom. Preferably someone who initially will be closeted in their everyday life and has explored their 'deviant' interests alone but now is ready and eager to explore that side with another person.
Storyline: I'm looking for a line where neither of the men are the 'weaker' one in the relationship. There's no romance or sappyness but instead a semi-dysfunctional relationship which involves manipulation, black mail, fights for dominance and other fun things. I have a few different ideas of how this line could start and I am open to suggestion. While this line isn't based on the idea of smut there are going to be a lot of sexual scenes and so I'm not looking for someone who wants to fade to black. This line isn't based on violence or domestic abuse but you should be comfortable with a little rough and tumble too.
Screen Name or Livejournal account: Comment here.
Is it for a RP community (if so, which one) or is it a PSL?: PSL
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[09 Feb 2011|10:17pm]
Would somebody be interested in a psl based on a meeting of a taxi dancer in the 40s and a wealthy business man?
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[09 Feb 2011|11:16pm]
Long Shot! I have a current obsession with the obscure and couple year old Canadian TV show Slings and Arrows and would love to do a line based off it. Utilizing canon characters or not.

Knowledge of the show is not required if we just want to do a vague line around the idea, which would be either two actors, or an actor and director in a theatre company that produces mostly Shakespeare but some other stuff, they are in love/or falling in love/or don't know they are in love, but things are complicated by similar problems to whatever is going on in the play they are doing! Example if they are doing Romeo and Juliet, perhaps their parents don't get along, or doing Macbeth the play seems cursed and bad things keep happening, the director doing Shakespeare is going mad and adultery is everywhere, and King Lear is literally dying.

Basically theatre company+shakespeare+ironic conflict=Slash line of some kind
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