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[06 Feb 2011|12:36am]
I'm looking for someone to play the male in a PSL based around an affair. The male character would be older and married. How they ended up together would be completely negotiable, I'd just like to play out the relationship from the beginning. Meeting, hooking up, the mild drama concerning the affair -- secret meetings, close calls, etc. It would involve sexual elements, but not be 100% smut.
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[06 Feb 2011|11:50am]
Ignore the face, but

Would anyone be up for a 'The Proposal' type psl? Details can definitely be tweaked, but it'd generally be about a line of two opposites pushed into 'faking a proposal and marriage' situation. The reason why they're pushed into it can change as well. Even though he's in the movie, I'd love it against a Ryan Reynolds. I'd be open to whatever face for the female side of it.
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[06 Feb 2011|08:20pm]
All I want for Valentine's day is the following lines:

a) A zombie psl against my Wentworth Miller. I'm more interested in blood and gore than romance. But I'm not against it, as long as it evolves realistically.

b) A vampire to play against this girl, in a line loosely based off of Interview with the Vampire.

c) A dramatic line with Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfyer, just because they look amazing together in I Am Number Four

( cross-posted to multiple communities )
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[ viewing | February 6th, 2011 ]
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