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[04 Feb 2011|09:38am]
Snowed in, looking to get into trouble today.

I can play pretty much anything. Celeb, OC, whatever. I've been RPing for 11 years and am pretty flexible. Smut's the best, descriptive and dirty, but I'm openminded to any SLs you have in mind. Looking for AIM preferably. I like dark, supernatural, BDSM, slash, interesting dynamics, etc just for an example. If you have something you've been dying to play out, hit me up here or on AIM (clickhereforsara) to throw me a proposition. No request is too dirty, weird, out-there, etc.

My only thing is, I don't play anime or Dr. Who. Just don't know enough about it.
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[04 Feb 2011|12:38pm]
Ignore the journal but i'm hunting for a psl with Jensen Ackles or 'Dean Winchester'. In this line I would play either 'Jo', or an original with the face of Alexis Bledel, Kristen Kreuk, or Christina Ricci. I have a few different ideas depending on the face that is picked, but would just LOVE a psl or two with Jensens pretty mug! COMMENT OR PM :D
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X-posted [04 Feb 2011|05:41pm]
Anyone interested in a fantasy based PSL? I came up with an idea for D&D campaign that unfortunately doesn't look like it's going to pan out. I wrote up all of the information and saved it, so I have a nice chunk of world history available. You wouldn't need to know anything about D&D to play in it, but I'll probably borrow some stuff from there to add flavor into the game.

A quick run down of it (I have a link on my journal to more detailed info): About 50-100 years ago, there was an event called the The Unbinding. The kingdom of Hekatos was the center of magic in the entire world. For a long time, magic was only taught to a select few. Otherwise, those who were naturally gifted in magic could use it. Something happened that made the Queen change her mind and suddenly everyone was allowed to use magic. So much magic was used that it began to leave behind a magical pollution and it caused a rift in the arcane lines. Everything became very chaotic and then there was a massive explosion that wiped out the entire Kingdom and half of the continent with it. The rest of the continent was heavily damaged.

The Queen's brother had left a few years prior to the explosion with his devoted followers. He started his own kingdom, Romnia, declared that magic was too dangerous and anyone who was naturally gifted in magic or wanted to learn it had to register themselves (think of the system in Dragon Age if you're familiar with that). At first, most magical creatures were willing because fear was running rampart and they wanted to help out. Now many of them are starting to disappear and there are rumors they are being tortured. The King has declared anyone who is sympathetic to an unregistered magical creature is an enemy.

There is one continent left where magical creatures are not only allowed, but supported as well. All of the magical creatures can be found in this continent, as well as those without magic or who have learned it through wizards who are sympathetic to their cause.

There is a secret organization that has been created to try and liberate the magical creatures who have been captured, and discover any secrets that might be found in the ruins of Hekatos to give them an upperhand in the upcoming war.

If this is something that interests you or you have any questions, drop a comment here or in my journal. I was thinking around 4-5 players for the PSL.
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[04 Feb 2011|10:20pm]
I'm looking for someone to play opposite [info]huali in a Vietnam-era storyline that takes place in a small, southern town. Femme only. Ask me for further details!
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