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[31 Jan 2011|12:26pm]
I know this is probably the longest longshot ever, but would anyone be interested in playing Matt Smith against Karen Gillan? I'd even be willing to celeb them or take them to a community!
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[31 Jan 2011|12:30pm]
I'm looking for a Santino Rice against my Austin Scarlett. I would love something well rounded and fun, that includes a great deal of hot smut, but also some character development and plot. We could go through On the Road with Austin and Santino, or start before it, or after it. I'm not picky. Or we could even go a bit AU, and I could be coerced to go into a community with it. Feel free to comment in this journal if you're interested!
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[31 Jan 2011|02:00pm]
I'm thinking she's about 25 years old and like my pb, she's just getting on the road to getting out her music. She's in a rock band and besides her, the band consists of all guys. Georgia is also engaged to be married but somewhere along the way, on tour maybe, she gets involved with one of the band mates, the manager or even a fan. It would be pure smut at first but later, when feelings evolve, I'm thinking a whole lot of drama... substance abuse, arguments, love for both men, etc. I'd even be down for an older/younger sort of line. I'm thinking she's a bit reserved so this situation doesn't sit well with her at all.
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[31 Jan 2011|04:33pm]
Desperately seeking a Phantom for my Christine or a Eric for my Sookie Stackhouse!
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[31 Jan 2011|05:50pm]
anyone play suicide girls, models, pornstars of any kind? or slash any of the cast of true blood, or the twilight movies?
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[31 Jan 2011|08:01pm]
Looking for some lines. Check the journal for more info.
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[31 Jan 2011|08:52pm]
would anyone be interested in a small PSL group from 'The L Word'?
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[31 Jan 2011|09:13pm]
check the journal please!
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supernatural anyone? [31 Jan 2011|10:45pm]
I'd sell my soul for a Ruby/Dean line right now, or I'd probably consider anyone else you wanted to throw at her. Katie or Gen, I can do either; or a new vessel if you want.

I might also put my Anna against various guys, Jo/Sam or Ellen/John.

Poke me.
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[31 Jan 2011|11:32pm]
If anyone plays any of the Whose Line is it Anyway? guys, specifically Ryan, Colin, Chip, Brad, or Jeff, I would totally play someone against them. I had this idea that a girl that gets picked to be sung to ends up running into them later at a bar or club or something.
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[31 Jan 2011|11:48pm]
Would anyone be interested in psl with this character? It would be based on she and her baby-daddy/long term boyfriend who were known as the goodie-two shoes at their high school, but were actually the manipulators. When she got pregnant, she schemed him and left before he could find out, but he puts the pieces together and finds her. I would love Jesse McCartney for the guy, but I'm open to other options. Comment or PM for more details.
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