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[11 Jan 2011|12:17pm]
[info]deadbynow, a Losers group PSL looking for members. Scene heavy and action packed. Original characters as well as characters from the film wanted. Click here for more details!
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[11 Jan 2011|04:08pm]
Is anybody interested in doing a PSL based off of two people working in the Peace Corps?
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[11 Jan 2011|08:53pm]
I am so bored and looking for someone to thread with. I am even willing to help you out with a storyline if I get this in return:

Craig Manning from Degrassi:TNG. I'd love to hook him up with my OC.
Julian Priest from The Hunger. I'd love a Julian/OC line, me as the OC

Journals, icons, mixtapes/Friends only posting, etc. All would be wonderful. I only tend to do darker lines, smut is more than welcomed. Just please want to thread! :D Paragraph writers are nice.
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[11 Jan 2011|09:12pm]
I'm looking for a couple of PSLs for my muses, with a view to possibly taking then to a community at a later date if the chemistry's there.

The first is Afriel- the angel of youth. I've tried playing her before but have since revamped and given her a lot more thought. She isn't a very good angel, and had been sent to Earth largely to get her out of the way. She asks too many questions and has some pretty modern ideas that don't quite fit in with the ideas up in Heaven. I'd like to play her against another angel, fallen angel or human. For this it's probably worth mentioning I'm not very knowledgeable on religion, so wasn't looking to delve too deeply into that aspect.

The second is Anabelle- a slightly demented vampire who's spent a little too much time alone and doesn't quite know how to deal with people. For her I'm after a pretty boy that she can stalk, and possibly kidnap, with the idea of looking after him/turning him.

I have a few PBs in mind, but I'm open.

If you're interested or have any further questions comment here. I'm very open to further brain storming.
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[11 Jan 2011|09:16pm]
I'm looking for one or two more lines. I prefer to play females unless the line is really interesting. Basics are in the journal. Something having to do with bounty hunters, assassins, law enforcement, etc. would be awesome!
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[11 Jan 2011|09:32pm]
I'd like to try a celeb line as Miley Cyrus, any takers?
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[11 Jan 2011|10:22pm]
So just as a headcount of the sorts, who would be interested in a New Orleans based psl comm? Vampires, Weres, Fae, and Humans(Ofcourse).
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