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[08 Jan 2011|01:16am]
Please check the journal! I'm really hoping to gain a few more PSLs and I have fandoms listed as well as a couple original storylines.
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[08 Jan 2011|10:13am]
Looking to play Mary Elizabeth Winstead (circa Scott Pilgrim) or Melanie Laurent in some new lines. Feel free to check my lines here or comment with any suggestions.

Sorry for the cross-posting!
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[08 Jan 2011|01:57pm]
he was created for a community a long time ago that i don't believe ever got off the ground. i'd love to revive the character for a psl, though. obviously details can be changed, but would anyone be interested? aim or thread based. preferred slash but he'll go either way.
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[08 Jan 2011|01:58pm]
Could I get this line filled? Or perhaps do something similar to it?
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[08 Jan 2011|02:24pm]
Would anybody be interested in a Young Justice RPG? I'm thinking of making a comm and wanted to know if there was any interest in it, and if there was someone out there with a bit more Comic book smarts who might be whiling to help me on the details?
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[08 Jan 2011|04:20pm]
Looking for a psl to be filled.

A woman has an affair, she is married to this guy but things are not going too well. She and her affair meet up every week at a certain time at a certain hotel. But what happens if it turns into more?

I am looking for someone to play her affair, female or male.
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[08 Jan 2011|06:16pm]
Lines for Jared Leto. Celeb or pb. Lean towards slash, but will do a het line for the right line/face.
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[08 Jan 2011|07:26pm]
Really wanting some lines filled. There are some ideas in my journal or we can brainstorm new ones. I love guys who are Bill Kaulitz/Josh Beech/Dylan Monroe-esque to play against. :)
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[08 Jan 2011|08:14pm]
I'd like to set up some lines, especially if we can start tonight, as I'm ridiculously bored. So check the journal for basic info, and comment if interested, por favor.
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[08 Jan 2011|08:33pm]
Does anyone PB Cillian Murphy & have a character bio on the PB already? You don't have to have one, I'm just wondering! I have really been wanting to play against him, but I have no idea what kind of storyline he would fit best, so if anyone would be interested in playing him or does play him, I would totally be up for brainstorming!
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[08 Jan 2011|10:05pm]
looking for psls. want to play justin timberlake against either armie hammer, chris evans, channing tatum, ryan gosling, jake gyllenhaal, david beckham or andrew garfield.
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[08 Jan 2011|10:24pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

More psls for my megan fox pb.
On a firefly high right now.
Open to ideas.

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[08 Jan 2011|11:44pm]
check the journal, please! looking for some new psls.
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