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[02 Jan 2011|01:32am]
Looking for a specific Vampire/Human sl in which I would play the human. I would like a slightly Phantom of the Opera like line. My character is a male ballet dancer, a vampire sees him one night and becomes entranced, deciding the human should only dance for him. He kidnaps the human and treats him much like a doll, the human fights at first, but wants desperately to be allowed to dance for a company again.

Other than that Disney AUs. Historical likes (Tudors era about). Mafia/IRA lines.
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[02 Jan 2011|02:55am]
Last chance to sign up for The Hunger Games!!! I'm hoping to find this guys twin sister to join [info]hgmods with him as another tribute from District 2. His bio is in his journal, though it's still a work in progress, and can be altered if needed. Add cut offs are Jan 3rd!!! So sign up now before it's too late!!

I'd also be interested in having someone join as his father/mentor, though I'm open to any random mentor as well. =]
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[02 Jan 2011|05:51am]
I'm looking to do a psl based off the movie Easy A. It would have plenty of smut, but with a sold plot. I'm not sure if I want to start from the beginning, somewhere in the middle, or end....BUT i do know i would LOVE a Penn Badgley to be my Woodchuck Todd! Any takers?

I would also be up to discussing other possible suitors, along with other types of lines such as Teacher/Student, Best Friends, or one of her many fake hookups. So don't be afraid to suggest one!
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[02 Jan 2011|06:57am]
could i get a sev or james for my lily? i'd also love to find a scorpius for my rose, a bill for my fleur, or someone to write narcissa against. threading only!
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[02 Jan 2011|10:09am]
Check the journal, please! I'm looking for anything interesting really, het or slash, though in the instance of het I'd prefer to play the male, with the exception of a couple of fandom lines.
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[02 Jan 2011|11:26am]
Slash lines for this character? Bio and ideas are in the journal. I'd love to find THE VIRGIN, THE WRITER or THE AVERAGE VIEWER, but I'm up for brainstorming as well.
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life isn't always what you expected [02 Jan 2011|01:20pm]
Would anyone be interested in a group psl based on the lives of the "Most Likely to..." from their high school years? They would be somewhere in their mid twenties. I'd like to focus on how life was or wasn't what they expected. In other words, not everyone succeeded, married, stayed married, had kids etc. Love it to be written based rather than just aim chatting and stuff.
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[02 Jan 2011|02:31pm]

[info]genespot small, all-slash xmen private storyline community hoping to fill the remainder of the roster asap! we're looking specifically for writers interested in playing brotherhood characters. additionally, i am looking for someone that may want to play out a storyline with quicksilver/mastermind (which we can talk about plenty if you'd like.) check out this journal ([info]snowlion) if you want to get in touch with me, and the [info]genespot journal to apply.

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show pony for sale [02 Jan 2011|03:18pm]
a dr. death defying or anyone else from the killjoys world for my show pony? slash only.
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[02 Jan 2011|04:23pm]
psl with whoever. aim or google docs are the best
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[02 Jan 2011|07:18pm]
Seeking for a partner in crime (one that won't disappear at the drop of a hat) who will play against this girl. I haven't the fondest idea for what, though. As long it's not anything fantasy/supernatural/zombie related. I've kind of had my fill on those. Do I smell a brainstorm coming on? Any takers? Het or femme are equally welcomed. One of each would be ace!
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