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[31 Dec 2010|12:54am]
check it! :)
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[31 Dec 2010|07:26am]
check the journal! i'm looking for more harry potter lines if anyone's interested.
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[31 Dec 2010|06:57pm]
Looking for someone to fill the psl under the cut. Slash and threading please.

psl here )
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[31 Dec 2010|07:23pm]
I'm looking to start a new line to get me back into RPing again, since the vacation kinda sucked the motivation outta me. I'm very into angsty SLs and some darkness being in it is awesome. Would anyone be up for a rekindling relationship after one of the characters has gone to rehab? I was thinking slash, but I'll be up for het, and I can play either or. It could also be celeb/PB/AU, but I've got a pretty short list of celebs that I do play. The kicker will be that the one that hasn't gone is with someone new, because things ended badly between our characters. They'll have mutual friends and plenty of opportunities to run into each other. Or, if anyone has a line they'd like to have filled that's pretty dark/angsty with a little fluff here and there, let me know!
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[31 Dec 2010|09:25pm]
Hoping for a Tim Roth or a Robert Downey Jr in a het line against this girl. PB's negotiable. Short or long-term. Open for anything.
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[31 Dec 2010|10:17pm]
Sorry to take over the page, but I would love the last line filled here! I can't be the only one without a life staying in on NYE.
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[31 Dec 2010|10:26pm]
psl for him?
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[31 Dec 2010|10:52pm]
Really would love a VTM line with a Toredor vampire VS a female human. Me being the human.
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