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[02 Jan 2010|12:34am]
I'm looking for a psl of some sort, either a Taylor or a Jacob sl. Hit me up on taylorslautner.
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[02 Jan 2010|04:21am]
a robert downey jr for my jude law? or i'd be willing to try holmes/watson!
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[02 Jan 2010|10:55am]
So I'm pretty sure I lost my SL partner but being that the line seemed like so much fun... Well, would anyone be into playing Sherlock Holmes for my against my OC? I promise it's a really fun/interesting line. If you would like details then comment here and I'll send you a PM. I'd also looove for a Watson to join the mix.
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[02 Jan 2010|01:05pm]
what i'd love for 2010 is more psls. check the journal.
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[02 Jan 2010|04:10pm]
I'm about to head offline for a bit but before I do, would anyone play Bradley James or Colin Morgan in a PSL?
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[02 Jan 2010|04:44pm]
Looking for an Edward Cullen or Robert Pattinson. I know he's asked for a whole bunch but I'm not up for heading down the cliche path. Sorta fluffy, but definitely not even close to cliche. Actually, Peter Facinelli/Carlisle, Taylor Lautner/Jacob Black, Emmett Cullen/Kellan Lutz, Jasper Cullen/Jackson Rathbone would be good too. My ideas for the lines can use either one of them.

Aaaaand if anyone plays Ville Valo and wants to play him het for me that would be aaaaaawesome as well.

Ms Cupcake Bombs if anyone is interested.
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[02 Jan 2010|07:48pm]
Can I get some storylines up and running? I'm down for anything. Drama/Femme/Slash/Het, etc. No incest, please. I'll play male and females but I'd like to take on a female role before taking on a male role, please. I'll do thread but I really prefer AIM because I have way too much time on my hands. I'll be willing to work around your schedule and pretty patient, sometimes. ;-)

Check icons to see who I play.
"Rumsoakedpirates" is where you can reach me on aim!
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[02 Jan 2010|08:07pm]
Needing new lines. I am looking for a line where a girl starts an affair with her boyfriend's father. Ages can be discussed. The second line would be a couple badly wanting to have a child but it does not work out. Desperation and drama lead to the guy asking his brother to help - he agrees but demands to sleep with her. An affair would start. What then?

Also wanted -- a slashy line between two actors. Could be AU, PB or celeb I don't mind. Both guys are straight but the role of their lives (maybe something like Brokeback Mountain) demands of them to play a couple.

Feeling the urge to play the female in the het lines. My girls are drama-free, fun and a little tough. Certainly no shy and blushing ladies. No AIM so don't even ask.
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[02 Jan 2010|11:22pm]
psl for nikki reed?
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[02 Jan 2010|11:44pm]
I'm interested in playing Jacob Black (face: Steven Strait) and was hoping to play against Edward. I'm also looking to play Leah against Jacob or Sam. No movie pbs please! Some SL ideas here!

Separately, a fellow writer and I are looking for an Edward for a Bella/Jacob/Edward triangle.
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