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[11 Dec 2009|12:10am]
looking for an interracial psl, het only. I would like to play the girl preferably Latina though the face can be worked on later. Maybe two co-workers who don't like each other but something happens to put them in a situation where they change their minds. I'm also fine with brainstorming other ideas. Threading or AIM I'm fine with either!
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[11 Dec 2009|12:50am]
I'm looking for someone interested in playing an Emmett Cullen against my Rosalie. Can be set at any time during their relationship, except during Breaking Dawn or afterward, unless they leave when the Renesmee madness starts.

I would use Amber Heard for Rosalie, and I am open to any face for Emmett.

I haven't really played Twilight before, and my feelings on the books are mostly lukewarm, except for this pairing, so I don't think a Twihard would work well against me. I'm also looking for a good writing partner, so show me your samples and I will show you mine.

I am also looking for a PSL against an Oliver Wood, based on him becoming a teacher/staff member at Hogwarts and starting a secret, forbidden relationship with a Seventh Year student--preferably Lavender Brown, but I am open to suggestions.

Comment here or in the journal to discuss ideas!
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[11 Dec 2009|02:05am]
Looking for a Twilight psl! I would love to play Bella against an Edward or a Jacob.
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[11 Dec 2009|02:12am]
psl with a kristen or a possible edward/bella psl
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[11 Dec 2009|06:09am]
One more time with less fail!

So I posted on here awhile ago but unfortunately I didn't have a home base journal with some of my story line ideas and a place for people to contact me. It didn't help that I got sick and then my laptop died for about a week. Now my laptop is in working order and I have a journal for my current thoughts and inspirations! Now, as a warning, I am a late night Rper. I work in the afternoon and usually have evening classes so I would like to do some lines with folks who are also late nighters.

What I am looking for:

Fantasy based: I have some ideas for a Dungeons and Dragon style PSL. This can be a one-on-one thing or a group thing. I also have some information on a couple of ideas I have for World of Warcraft themed story lines. If you are on Moonguard then I wouldn't mind doing some of this in game. Other wise, I feel so blah about the starting areas, I'd rather not try to get a character to 15 or so on another server.  Have an idea for either of these settings? I'd love to hear it! Currently, I am halfway done with S1 of Legend of the Seeker.  I am sure I'll have some ideas for it once I am done.

Greek Mythology: I love Greek mythology, it's good stuff. There's so much craziness and lore and complicated relationships. For this, I listed characters/pairings I'd like to give a whirl. I do not have any specific story lines at the moment mainly because there are so many myths to each character. It'll be easy enough to whip something up.  I enjoy both modern and ancient settings.

Super hero: I've been out of the comic scene for awhile, I wasn't impressed with Decimation. So anything that takes place before then would be good. So would some AU movie-verse style lines. I have a few ideas for an original super hero line posted in my journal.

Modern: Anything you'd like to try that takes place in modern times, I'd like to give a look over!

Cheers and have a good morning/evening.
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[11 Dec 2009|07:59am]
Looking for a few new psl - long-term preferably.


a) A girl had been dating a guy but in a horrible accident she looses him. But what happens if his twin brother turns up? She knew nothing about him, the boys had been out of contact for years. 

b)She had lost her memory in an accident. Maybe caused by her own boyfriend? It doesn't matter because she can't remember right? While he does everything to 'help' her remember, the police is investigating. And the doctor is the only one that is honest with her. He's very caring...maybe too caring? Maybe she's had an affair with him - leading her boyfriend to cause the accident?

c)She is dating a guy that's 20 years older than her. She's his muse, he's a painter. But what happens if a guy her own age starts working for the maestro?

I am looking to play the girl in those lines as they are my ideas but I am not against playing guys. There's a list in my journal of the females & males I play.
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[11 Dec 2009|09:29am]
[info]backdrops, a psl community in the spirit of /players. join with your psl journal and connect with other players. next adds are 12/15 or 5 applications!
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[11 Dec 2009|10:00am]
I would like more action-based adventure games!
Dark themes welcomed.
Male/Male only.
Mature writers only.

I'm sort of slow of pace, so threads only too - for the time being.
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[11 Dec 2009|06:59pm]
Looking for a Mr. Schuster to play against Kurt.
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[11 Dec 2009|08:28pm]
I'm looking for an Alice/Hatter storyline that is based around the mini-series Alice from SyFy. The only thing is that I'm looking for someone to play Hatter a bit more eccentric than the character was played on the show. Besides that, I thought the idea of Hatter living in Alice's world with her would be interesting to play out - with the obvious abrupt problems that will visit them from Wonderland. It will be a blast to brainstorm about! As for the PBs, I was hoping to keep the same faces from the show, if that's not a big deal.

IM me at 'secrettostart' if you're interested.
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[11 Dec 2009|09:16pm]
i'd like to get a couple of these filled for a psl!
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[11 Dec 2009|09:28pm]
non-twilight vampire/human or werewolf/human line?
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[11 Dec 2009|09:55pm]
psls that won't die of any sort would be lovely, i'm pretty open to anything - storyline ideas are in the journal! comment if you pm please.
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[11 Dec 2009|10:10pm]
Looking for a Sam or Dean to play against my Ruby. Please ignore the journal.
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[11 Dec 2009|10:15pm]
someone who actually stick around that will fill the slashy psl in my journal!

also looking for a teenager line, romeo/juliet modern type of line, mob families that hate each other maybe, and the two teenagers that meet in secret. can be either het or slash.
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[11 Dec 2009|10:44pm]
would anyone be up for a psl with a young couple, maybe in their mid-twenties, preparing their house for christmas with their young child ( 1,2, or 3 )? i think decorating the tree with the three of them and spontaneous shopping without their kid would be fun. and of course the normal relationship things. maybe they could either be married or engaged? if you'd be interested, please im me at we wont say love since i'm not getting comments in my email. i'd like to play arielle kebbel, but if there's any other girl you'd prefer to play against.
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[11 Dec 2009|11:08pm]
PSL for any of the girls in my icon. Looking for something long term. Either comment here or IM me @ hatreddesigns
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[11 Dec 2009|11:25pm]
Check the journal. I'm kind of in a mood to play a Katie Cassidy.
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