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[03 Nov 2009|12:37am]
Just got done watching Wicker Park for the first time and I'd really like a SL for it. Could be het or slash, though if it's het I'd likely be playing the girl. But it's basically where two people have been separated for a couple years, after a relationship that was going well, and a misunderstanding made things fall apart. And now they're crossing paths again. I'd love to take this to a comm, but I will also go for PSL. PB's are negotiable, the ones I play are in my icons. Check them out!
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[03 Nov 2009|11:28am]
[info]wehunt a group psl based on Supernatural, still looking for a couple more writers to round out this group psl, hoping to start sometime this week.
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[03 Nov 2009|12:19pm]
Does anyone out there play Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson? I'd love a pb psl with either of them. Comment if interested and or leave an aim name to reach you on. Threading only.
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[03 Nov 2009|02:43pm]
Check the journal.
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[03 Nov 2009|02:45pm]
Looking to fill some storylines! Check the journal for more info about me, and give me a ping if interested!
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[03 Nov 2009|03:27pm]
I would like a psl for anyone in the journal. Het, pb, slash, incest, AU. Everything is welcome. The more wrong it is, the more I like it!
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[03 Nov 2009|03:59pm]
I just saw brokeback mountain for the first time. I really want a sl based on this but a little different. Leave a comment if you're interested and I can tell you the changes I thought about.
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[03 Nov 2009|04:55pm]
Since it seems like people wants a Robert Pattinson to play against , i'm more than willing to take on a few roles as him, pb stlye. I prefer AIM over thread, but i'll do some thread. All i ask in return is that i can get someone to play a male for me in return?

Any takers
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[03 Nov 2009|06:04pm]

After watching Vacancy with Kate Beckinsale, Id love a line loosely based on the movie. Basically she and her hub are going through a divorce but their car breaks down on the way home and they have to stay over at a creepy motel - they are being observed by cameras and a few people want to kill them & film that. Id rather focus on them helping each other, growing closer again and realizing they are still in love. They lost a child and never got over it.

Other than that Id love a very odd couple - maybe Kate paired up with a band guy, someone so odd that you could never imagine...

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[03 Nov 2009|07:15pm]
I've got the really strong urge to play against Robert Pattinson just because of this picture. Preferably pb, can be Twilight but I don't play K. Stewart so we'd have to talk about a different face for Bella. Any takers?
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[03 Nov 2009|07:30pm]
I have a psl idea in my journal. check it out.
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[03 Nov 2009|07:45pm]
can i get a rob for my kristen? hopefully for something long term
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[03 Nov 2009|08:33pm]
Would like to get in some roleplay tonight. Ideally I'm looking for some partners who stick around and will be interested in doing different lines but Im fine with short term and one shots for right now.

- Slash
- AIM only (Tardis the Tenth)
Some of my interests
- Death Note
- Harry Potter
- Merlin (BBC)
- White Collar
- Ugly Betty
- Original Fantasy, Sci-fi, Action & Slice of Life
Feel free to IM me.
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[03 Nov 2009|08:36pm]
I'm just looking for a new line, slash or any of the het fandom pairings I have listed here. I'd love a random celeb slash line, or something that's either cute and fluffy or the exact opposite, in a PB slash line. Check the link for more info!
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I want a rockstar / fangirl line. [03 Nov 2009|09:42pm]
I saw Hollywood Undead, Atreyu, and Escape the Fate on Halloween.
Atreyu was dressed all as Batman, and their guitarist, Dan Jacobs, was Robin. And something about him made me want to bite him. :)
So I'd love a line opposite of him..or I could play him I guess against a cute but slightly obsessed fan girl? The first scene...they'd be in costume! how fun.

OR. Escape the Fate was dressed as KISS and the one guy who I think might've been Bryan Monte...Money..or somethin... was the guy with the star on his face and he was really hot.. so, the line could be against him or Robin...I mean Dan Jacobs. LOL.

Anyone interested? It'd be a celeb/pb line.

I'm an awesome writer, and I prefer to scene through email but I can get on AIM once in a while..? threading tends to die for me because I don't have a lot of time actually on my laptop so I do a lot of scening from my phone.
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Posting here too for the hell of it [03 Nov 2009|10:16pm]
Is there a mature and active Jacob anywhere?

Also, Jasper is desperately seeking his excitable pixie.
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[03 Nov 2009|10:20pm]
It's been a while since I've played a girl, but would anyone want something with a Leighton Meester? I'd play her in a het or femme line, although I'm leaning toward het.
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[03 Nov 2009|11:30pm]
I'm in the mood to play a male, het or slash. I'm pretty much up for anything at the moment, so leave a comment with your sn and i'll say hello. Comments are screened.
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