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[17 Jun 2009|12:22am]
i'm up for playing davey and i might be interested in a few lines. i'm not interested in taking up like five lines or something but maybe just a couple? i'm also a threader, so aim scening is possible but i probably won't really be on enough to get through an entire scene at a time. just so you know ahead of time.

i also might be down for joining a comm?
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[17 Jun 2009|12:28am]
I've just finished watching the first season of Supernatural and I would love to try a line against a Dean Winchester.
I can double as Sam but not in a slash line (unless you can convince me with how awesome your Dean is). I won't
play any of the female canons and I don't ask that you do either if you don't want to. I do have a plot, something that
revolves around Sam and Dean meeting another demon but this one isn't out to kill them. Don't expect MarySue crap
or this to be all fluff and romance and Disney-esque. I'm looking for a seriously kick-ass Dean that will stay true to
the character from the show and not go all AU on me. In return, I want someone for Sam. He needs a good girl who
can still kick evil's ass. Someone that doesn't try to kill him or his brother, please. Not looking for a lot of drama but
a tiny bit would be nice.

If you think you can handle the job, well, comment here or PM me and we'll talk.

And if you aren't a fan of the show, we can do something PB/PSL-ish. I'm up for anything.
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[17 Jun 2009|12:49am]
Hello everyone, once again i'm looking for more threading lines. I'll do anything at this point and willing to work things out to where we both are happy!

Check the journal and get back to me if you are interested. I have SOME ideas in mind that i'd like to try out. I wouldn't mind hearing anybody else's ideas, so feel free to share. AIM,private message,comment me ideas. AIM - Rumsoakedpirates.

I only do lines where I play a male in return, so that means you play a male for me and i'll play one for you.
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[17 Jun 2009|02:22am]
Danneel Harris for a line with Jensen.

Sanity and knowledge of her and their relationship is a must.
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[17 Jun 2009|03:41am]
Alright, I got the Ghostbusters game and I'm thinking of making a psl based on the future of the ghostbusters. Not like that reject cartoon that came out a little bit ago. I mean, a legit storyline on it. Fellow Ghostbusters fans interested in a psl on the offspring of the GBSters?
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Casue clearly I'm INSANE for asking for more but I'm going to. [17 Jun 2009|09:34am]
Okay last night I was talking with one of my role play buds who I'm doing three lines we. All of are lines have one thing in common they are all dark and abusvie in some form or another. I'm looking for another dark emo line with a celeb Slash with either Jensen and Jared or Jensen and Jeffery Dean Morgan. But I would love to play absused Jensen! Cause I have a urge to play abused or I'm willing to do another kind of slash but with Supernatural lols. I know either way I'm shipping Jared and Jensen together. For Supernatural slash i do Sam/Dean. The ways I do dean are~Possive of Sam, mothering hen to Sam or I want to be with you but I can't hurt you. I tend to play Dean/Jensen better because I have done him more then Sam. But yea.

Secondly I do other slash pairings really any which form ya want it I'll do it. Just comment here, pm me or aim me at Sortinghat727 :) Also if you aim me and it says I'm offline I'm not. I tend to stay offline to advoid some other role plays. Just AIM me or what ever. So yea I do PB/Celeb so just tell me what ya do and we will see. OH and if someone could maybe do this annoyingly kinky slash threesome with~Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Chris Pine with me that would be great. But yea I do threading and AIM so what ever floats your boat I"m willing to do.
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[17 Jun 2009|09:42am]
i just want to write. anybody want to brainstorm something and write? leave a comment in my journal, please. i have writing examples if you want to see them.
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[17 Jun 2009|11:03am]
I’m really in the mood to write again and I absolutely love playing Rob and have a lot of experience in writing him. Unfortunately he’s a bit popular (if you haven’t noticed already) and is taken at every community. I would really like to play him in some sort of thread based line. Either with just one other person or maybe even a small group of people. I would prefer if you were a somewhat descriptive writer since I tend to write longer responses in scenes but I won’t be incredibly picky or anything. I can provide writing samples if you wish I just want to have a SL with some depth to keep me interested. Something with just a little drama or a twist so it’s different from just your average SL. Please let me know if you’re interested.
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[17 Jun 2009|02:13pm] <- new lines! check it out. I want a GOOD one that I won't get bored and wander away from my laptop while scening. :(
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[17 Jun 2009|04:50pm]
The RP world has been breaking my heart lately. Hardly any communities I'm interested in these days survive longer than a week, and unfortunately I am full of ideas but I don't feel I could take the disappointment of making a game that falls flat after a few days. Such is my problem now, I have an idea for Kings style psl group, but I want to know if anyone is interested before I go off and do something serious towards it.

It's a modern absolute monarchy set in a fictitious country I have yet to think of a name for. The game would center around the royal family and the court: the old King is dying, presumably being poisoned by someone close to him, but he has yet to name which one of his four legitimate children will succeed him. There is a great deal of plotting and betrayal swirling around the palace, not to mention probably a few murders and disappearances.

Like I said before, it's a great deal like the show Kings without the biblical slant. Anyway, if you're interested at all comment here, if I get enough responses I will begin setting it up.
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[17 Jun 2009|08:58pm]
Would anyone be interested in a modern day Guinevere/Lancelot line? Her biography is in this journal and yes, she was planned to be for Forgotten Gods but it was just too overwhelming, so here's for trying to get a psl. I'm not a long threader by any means but I am very loyal to storylines. I was sort of hoping for an Ioan Gruffudd or Ben Barnes PB for this, so, yes! :( I swear I'm a really friendly, old school writer and would love to find someone the same. If anyone is interested, just leave me a note here or on her journal and we can chitter over this!
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