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[14 Jun 2009|01:16am]
I tend to like balance in my numbers, but I have three more males than females. It seems I may lose a couple of my females soon, too, to line inactivity. Can I get a thread based line or two for some female characters? PBs, ideas, and general preferred themes are in the journal.
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[14 Jun 2009|01:47am]
I'm dying for some PSL time with this girl. I am not picky at all over pairings and as long as we click as writers and the characters mesh well, I could care less who I am writing against.

All you really gotta know is that she's a model, namely for Sports Illustrated.
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[14 Jun 2009|08:41am]
looking to get back into thread or aim based psls. check the journal, i have some ideas up but am willing to hear yours. THE MORE INTERESTING THE BETTER, PLEASE. would like to play a female but am willing to play a male for the right plot. i just want to write. comment.
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PSL Group [14 Jun 2009|12:08pm]
[info]madhere Opens Friday. I would love to see this girl's therapist.
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[14 Jun 2009|01:59pm]
I would really love some lines. I'd like to play Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Ashlee Simpson, Victoria Asher, or Gabe Saporta (in order of most comfortable to least comfortable).

I play slash and het but not femme. I would love an Amanda Palmer for my Patrick, but other than that, I am not too picky so long as it's someone I'm at least semi-familiar with and feel that I could write against. Lines do not have to be relationship-based and in fact I would love lines that center around action instead of sexual themes. I do RL and AU lines - realistic and cracktastic - alike so please feel free to brainstorm with me. If you've gotten this far and haven't been scared away/are still interested, please either leave a comment or pm me. I do both AIM and threads!
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[14 Jun 2009|03:30pm]
I'd like a femme line for my Scarlett Johansson pb. I'm looking for something with elements that could cause a few dramatic times, but all in all something that isn't all smut. I want it to be like a real relationship where the fight, make up, get jealous, cuddle, cook dinner, go know the gist.
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[14 Jun 2009|04:34pm]
I am dying to find someone interested in the following storyline. )

If that doesn't interest you, I have a list of pairings (Twilight, HP, and PB) and faces listed here, and I'm always open to filling other people's story lines. Hit me up!
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[14 Jun 2009|06:27pm]

I was wondering if anyone was interested in a Doctor Who line? If you are then please PM. Thanks! :)
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[14 Jun 2009|07:52pm]
[ mood | high ]

kind of a long shot, but. i play a current sonny moore.
i've never met anyone who is familiar with him these days, or plays any of his friends/people in bands he tours with, and that would be cool (such as, sean friday, jono evans, eric victorino, aaron rothe). if not i'm just looking for anyone who finds him interesting/would play opposite him or, something. i've played this character for years and it's soooo hard to find someone who wants a line with me. just because he's a little under the radar since leaving FFTL. but i sure can write. modern, slash, comment or AIM me at x4ever altered pleaseee.

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[14 Jun 2009|07:59pm]
So I just had a thought for a line. It's sort of simple but could have the potential to get really interesting. I was thinking after a nasty divource between a couple - having been married for a few years or more - they go online looking for that special someone and ironically enough they end up talking to eachother unknowledgable of that fact, of course. We would start off talking online talking about the single life and maybe even just talking as friends supporting eachother, giving advice, etc. and eventully they would meet. I could play male or female. Anyone down for something like this?
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Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you! [14 Jun 2009|08:01pm]
Can I get a Nolanverse Batman line? Preferably with the someone who's weird ooc...just as long as you don't delete your rude comments.
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[14 Jun 2009|08:17pm]
I'm looking for a SLASH psl to take up some time. I'd kind of like to play against Pete Wentz or Bert McCracken. However, I'd just like to write, so it doesn't have to be against either of them. PB or Celeb and feel free to suggest other PBs to me if none in my journal interest you.
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[14 Jun 2009|10:30pm]
I'm new to rp, and would like a psl focusing on Jake/Bella.
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[14 Jun 2009|11:40pm]
I would love it if someone would fill the line in my journal. PBs are negotiable.
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