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[19 May 2009|11:26am]
I am looking for someone to play against my Eddie Redmayne PB. Max Minghella would be fantastic, but I'm open to other faces. I'd like a line set in a strict boarding school where they have to hide their intense, consuming (maybe even unhealthy) passion for each other - or something similarly grim and dramatic.

If that doesn't catch your eye, check the journal for other lines and pairings.
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[19 May 2009|01:25pm]
check the journal!
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Since the first cast all died off before the thing even opened... [19 May 2009|06:15pm]
Alright, let's try this again! Lovely people who will be active and friendly to [info]tribble, please.

And by all means, if you signed up the first time around you should come back. Just try not to keel over this time, please.
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So, i wanna rp and write [19 May 2009|10:09pm]
Anyone want to help me tackle creating a female version of deadpool with a twist?
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[ viewing | May 19th, 2009 ]
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