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[04 Mar 2009|02:32am]
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[04 Mar 2009|08:53am]
I'd like a vampire, buffy, leverage or heroes sl. My pb would be lacey chabert. I'm not sure what platform I'd use but I'd like to use yahoo, msn or icq messengers.
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[04 Mar 2009|11:44am]
I'm looking for a few more lines. I'm eager to try out a historical line, a dystopian line (think 1984 or V For Vendetta), a steampunk/fantasy line, or a line surrounding a interracial couple's struggles (black/white). I'm het, slash, and femme-friendly and I will play males and females. Please check the journal and leave a comment if you're interested in playing with me.
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Allons-y! [04 Mar 2009|12:18pm]
Relatively new to the insanejournal community and I'm looking for fellow Doctor Who players that, in the future, might be interested in starting a psl with the Tenth Doctor. Be it Ten, Ten II or even Valeyard Ten if you're more interested in the dark side of writing. Admittedly, I'm trying to network over in your neck of the woods, as I've spent the majority of my time on livejournal and the like.

Right now, I'm really only interested in pairing the Doctor with Rose, but I'm open to whatever incarnation of Romana you can come up with if you're so inclined. I'd love to have a Donna to bounce off of once in a while, but in the platonic sense—same with Martha.

RP samples are listed in character journal. You can PM me or reach me in the comments if you have any questions!

Thanks for your time.
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[04 Mar 2009|02:54pm]
Would anyone be interested in playing Amanda Seyfried or Keira Knightley for me (against Dominic Cooper) in a PSL? Celeb or PB.
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[04 Mar 2009|03:08pm]
On the hunt for a John Krasinski for a John/Jenna celeb line. Or Emily Blunt. Anyone?
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[04 Mar 2009|04:08pm]
I am interested in either a het or slash Heroes line. I play Mohinder Suresh, Peter and Nathan Petrelli, Noah Bennet, Matt Parkman and Sylar. PSL looking to possibly move to community [info]heroes_mod I will be picking up Peter in that community.

AIM is SmileYSoSerious
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[04 Mar 2009|04:44pm]
I am looking for a few new lines  - esp against a Joel or a Josh Madden. Any takers?
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[04 Mar 2009|06:20pm]
pb storyline anyone?i wanna play daniel radcliffe, taylor lautner or the kid in my icon.
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[04 Mar 2009|07:18pm]
I'm looking for some slash psls?

Check the journal or IM me at superhero bren
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x posted [04 Mar 2009|09:22pm]
Some one who:
- Does Aim
- Does Slash
- Is on quite often
- Doesn't die/reply
- Makes decent replies in a decent time frame.

Sorry to be so picky, but damn, what is with the disappearing act lately? It's never been so hard to have a lasting good PSL!
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[04 Mar 2009|09:23pm]
Any other takers with the Bachelor type storyline?

Taken PB's: Amanda Seyfried, Brittany Snow, Minka Kelly.
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[04 Mar 2009|09:33pm]
I would absolutely love a May-December line be it het or slash, the guy being the elder in the het version. I would prefer to play the younger lover and while this line wouldn't be nothing but smut it would probably be heavy on it. I could even go for it being supernatural in some way and am willing to hammer out the details.

Reply her or ping me at nevermind I have found plenty to keep me busy thanks!
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